Tuesday 27 June 2017

Harp and Bowl; Testimony

The Harp and Bowl seminar has just recently concluded and it was once again a major milestone and success because the Holy Spirit took over from the get go. The seminar lasted from the 22nd to the 27th of June 2017 and included the attendance of many nations, including that of Spain. Once more, all the families of Messiah gathered together to just immerse ourselves in the presence of Yahweh and allow Him to completely take over which He did.

During the opening night, 36 harpists led the worship together and the presence of Elohim was clearly felt amongst the people. The highlight of this seminar was once again the Harp School which was held on the 23rd to the 26th of June in conjunction with the ongoing seminar. A total of 36 students were taught not only how to play the harp but more importantly, how to minister to Yahweh on it and its significance as Elohim's chosen instrument of heaven. They were taught the technical side of playing the harp as well as learning more about it's Biblical origins from verses in Genesis up to Revelation. As the Harp School was commencing, at the same time the Bowl session would continue on. The bowl signifies prayer and intercession and they mingle together with praise and worship to become a pure offering unto Elohim. Inasmuch as the students of the Harp School were learning the harp, the participants of the seminar who did not register for it took part in the Bowl session in continuous worship, prayer, intercession and waiting upon Yahweh.

On the closing night, the enemy thinking to hinder the worship caused a malfunction in the electricity as the 34 harpists were once again leading worship together. However at the very moment the lights and electricity went off, our spirit man rose up. Praise and worship doubled up in intensity and strength as we continued to worship until the lights came back on later during the night. What the enemy sought to do Yeshua has utterly confounded them and turned it around to our advantage and benefit. On Tuesday, 27th June 2017 the 36 students of the Harp School led worship together with the others in 2 songs: Deuteronomy 7v6; Leviticus 20v26 and Psalm 66v1-4 in both English and Chinese. Despite the vast majority of them coming from backgrounds where they have never touched an instrument before, they were so easily able to worship on the harp in just a few short days. Truly by the grace imparted upon their teachers by the Holy Spirit and the anointing upon them that breaks every form of yoke and bondage. And once more to close each and every seminar Pastor Jean anointed the people.

Overall this seminar was one that was truly led of the Spirit of Elohim. There may have been a few bumps here and there, however because Yeshua took over and His life and Word were beginning to manifest Himself amongst our people that we were able to swiftly work out and overcome every and all hindrances and speed bumps during the seminar.

As for a personal testimony here it is:

During the course of this seminar, I had a thorough experience of inner cleansing. The cleansing I speak of has nothing to do with coughing or sneezing or any such thing, this is an inner working of the Spirit of Elohim within me I believe. This all began just a day before the seminar officially began. I was offended at something Megan commented about me and that just about ruined my whole day. But my deliverance came during the worship at the weekly Wednesday Prayer Meeting in Semarak where Yeshua spoke to me in a particular verse I was reading in Ezekiel that really set me up for the whole seminar itself.

[Eze 2:8] But thou, son of man, hear what I say unto thee; Be not thou rebellious like that rebellious house: open thy mouth, and eat that I give thee.

That was definitely not something I wanted nor expected to receive but what can I do?! I have to eat what is given unto me and make sure I enjoy it good. With that mindset in mind, I realised at least for me that this seminar will most likely be a time of dealing with my nature and character as the Day of Yeshua's return draws ever nearer. And that was what was occurring behind the scenes where only a few people who really looked saw what was going on. Everyday I experienced mood swings like nobody's business, I could wake up feeling so joyous and the next moment when a slight change in plan comes then I swing from one extreme to another. Everyday was a day to overcome and praise Yahweh He caused me to ride over it.

I realise that this seminar taught me the value of correction, which I do know a certain foundation of. It's something I need though not necessarily something I would always want. During this seminar I was taught that an inheritance as a son of Elohim also comes with tutoring, with correction. I could go so far as to say correction is an inheritance that only a son of the Prince receives.

[Eze 46:16-17] Thus saith the Sovereign יהוה; If the prince give a gift unto any of his sons, the inheritance thereof shall be his sons'; it shall be their possession by inheritance. But if he give a gift of his inheritance to one of his servants, then it shall be his to the year of liberty; after it shall return to the prince: but his inheritance shall be his sons' for them.

Things are changing all the more now that we draw to a close to the end of the age and it becomes even more exciting. I truly wonder what Yahweh has in store for His people next. Praise Yahweh.

-Wednesday, 28th June 2017, 1 year 9 months 21 days, 2358

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