Sunday 18 June 2017

First Half

So, the first half of the Harp and Bowl is over and the official second half is about to begin in a few days time. This first half has by far been enjoyable as well as thought provoking for me personally. Through this seminar I had the opportunity to really delve into my own mindset and see where my convictions and standings lie. What I've found is quite ponderous and really causes deep soul searching in me. Characteristics I had never seen before in myself and others came to light in this seminar and really, this seminar has been nothing except deep pondering for me throughout.

This Harp and Bowl as I have mentioned before have been quite relaxed for me considering the amount of work I had to do was miniscule compared to the usual amount I receive during a seminar. All of it was volunteer work really and I had the privilege to man the sound room, by far the best duty out of them all besides worshipping. But at the same time it requires much from me, but it is much that I am willing to give to the glory of Elohim. Although the work I have done may not amount to much recognition or even having a lasting impression on others, it's for Yahweh and that's all that matters. We sound crew go behind the scenes to ensure that everything runs at a decent pace. And many times we receive the ire of others when things fallout of place. Nonetheless, it is a work we enjoy doing. Because unless we enjoy what we do, then it becomes light and easy instead of such a burden. We love our Lord Yeshua, that's why we continue despite setbacks and whatnot. We see Him and that's all we want in our lives. Him.

On a more deeper tone, this seminar really stirred me to take a deeper look at myself. And when I compare my walk thus far with Elohim, with His Word I find that inasmuch as I've attained to plenty there are still aplenty left lacking in the same regard. What I've received is but a small tinge in the grand scheme of things. I find myself wanting much more done in my life, my character, my personality, my everyday living. And I find that I can do nothing to change myself. I've tried and tried plenty but I find the more I've tried, the less is done about it. A long time ago, I've received the word that the change I seek does not come from me, it comes from Yeshua Who lives in me. He will do the work so long as I go to where He is. Meaning His presence is the in working of His Spirit in me to the outworking.

The road ahead is still just beginning for me. What I know now is miniscule in comparison to what shall be revealed and made known to me in the near future. Until then, I had best learn to walk the walk. But then again, the good part given unto me can only be kept through the Holy Spirit living in me.

-Monday, 19th June 2017, 1 year 9 months 12 days, 1133

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