Friday 16 June 2017

Mixed Feelings

We are halfway through the first half of the Harp and Bowl II and it has brought many things to light. Is this what it means to be led by the Spirit? If so, we should do thusly more often. I find that this particular seminar in replacement is quite free and easy despite having many things to do and sleeping at irregular hours, I'm thoroughly enjoying myself in this Harp and Bowl. And I mean I'm really enjoying myself, though I may find few hours of sleep I can find such a liberty in His presence that enables me to focus as the Word is being shared. And even then I find that there is such a prominent peace of Yahweh that is filling the sanctuary and the people as the days go by. Apparently, Elohim really wants us to be still in this time and season to truly know Him and to know that He is above all, even all predicaments.

Just before the Harp and Bowl began with the others arriving from elsewhere, we gathered as usual before the night session to just soak once more in the presence of Yahweh and during that time Pastor Jean revealed to us as to why everything was shifted here. Simply because a long time ago, we had enthroned Yeshua in this place and since then He has not forgotten it. In the exact same moment she said that to us, Megan and myself stumbled over a particular verse in the Bible at the same time to truly confirm her words.

[Jer 17:12] A glorious high throne from the beginning is the place of our sanctuary,

What's amazing is that this exactly describes our situation right now, what's even more so is that Megan was sitting at the opposite side of the room to me and we both found this verse around the same time with the guidance of the Holy Spirit as I do believe. This is yet another confirmation for me that this path thus far is the right one and now it is time for the plans of Elohim to come to effect whereas the plans of man, having tried have failed to deliver.

Fast forward to now and plenty of things have happened. Yahweh really want His people to know the truth but more so to know Him and that in being still in His presence. As this new group roll in, particularly those from Singapore, Philippines, and China I see a work that Elohim is working through them to bring back revival to their nation; not man's way but Elohim's. A far more efficient and better path to take. However, just today I noticed something that took me by surprise.

I did not expect to experience what I had experience last year to be found here once again, it left a deep imprint within me so how could I not remember it? What I saw in the All Nations' Convocation last year, the flair, the excitement, and just the sheer heavy atmosphere of it was brought here apparently. And if you know what I've written that's not something to be glad over about. When the Singaporeans presented their own harpists as well, everything balled out of control. Literally out of control, it quite felt that I was back there and I just had to find somewhere quiet to just reassess what I just saw. As the harpists were playing, the people got overly excited and just did as they felt, some shouted in intercession, some did a banner march around the sanctuary, some began to join the dancers. Basically, I found it really uncomfortable.

I am reminded of a verse.

[Rom 10:2] For I bear them record that they have a zeal of יהוה, but not according to knowledge.

Perhaps that is why they are here, not to do so much but instead to learn stillness. To learn the beauty of silence because I still remember something that I had read a long while ago which left a memory in me. In heaven, there's only worship and silence, one or the other. Many of us know how to worship but many in the same boat don't understand the meaning of keeping silent in His presence. Perhaps I'm being quite bias because I'm surrounded by people who just cannot keep still as I write this but I believe that inasmuch as one desires to worship, one must also learn the art of quietness.

[Jer 14:10] Thus saith יהוה unto this people, Thus have they loved to wander, they have not refrained their feet, therefore יהוה doth not accept them; He will now remember their iniquity, and visit their sins.

We want to do many things, even good hearted things to exalt the name of Yeshua but even in worship it must be of the Holy Spirit. I'll leave it here like this for now but I'm still observing what will become of us, of all of us in the next few days. Will we grasp exactly what Yahweh wants to work in this time when He has brought the counsel of men to nothing? Or will just be another Touch and Go for us? Elohim be merciful to us, and keep us.

-Saturday, 17th June 2017, 1 year 9 months 10 days, 0155

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