Tuesday 13 June 2017

Harp and Bowl II

In just a few more days time, the people of Yahweh will once again be gathered together to witness the fulfillment of the will of Elohim amongst the nations. The Harp and Bowl; Worship, Prayer, and Intercession is about to commence and there is a palpable excitement in the air, mainly because of the events leading up to this Harp and Bowl. Due to issues with the authorities the All Malaysian Golden Gate Revival Convocation has been cancelled and from the offset it looks like the work of the enemy is triumphing over the people of Messiah. However, had only they known that even satan fulfills the will of Elohim then they would have treaded lightly with us.

I believe that this is no longer man's planning and agenda, it all failed. Now, it's all Elohim's. His Holy Spirit has once again fully taken the reins and now He is leading us to have yet another Harp and Bowl so that people will know the sound and the heavenly song. And with the 50 harpists of Glory Place South East Asia gathered together, all 50 representing more than 10 different nations as well; we shall see the kingdom of Elohim powerfully manifested in our nations in this time. Pastor Jean was led to declare in preparation for the Harp and Bowl 72 hours of non stop praise and worship, prayer and intercession for the 50 harpists besides the usual prayer watches and Bible declarations that are also on 24 hours a day. This feels exactly like how a seminar would be, give or take with a few added bonuses and benefits on the side. It's altogether a much more relaxed Harp and Bowl than the previous one that's for sure.

It really is exciting to be led by the Spirit simply because you never know how He will throw a curve ball into our plans. We may plan many a thing, but every decision lies with Yahweh first and foremost. And more often times He will do as He pleases and when He does that at least I find that it doesn't coincide at all with what pleases me. The Holy Spirit works in such a way that He will give us firstly what we need more than what we desire. The latter will come when we are first prepared for it and to do that it takes many yieldings and reproves by Him. But Elohim does so because He wants us to be perfect in image and likeness with Yeshua so that when He comes, we will be as He is.

And so I believe that just like the previous Harp and Bowl seminar, this one will of course have many ramifications not only in the physical but also the spiritual side of things. The previous Harp and Bowl saw many confrontations and testings and once again I find that this Harp and Bowl is no different in that regard. With every great breakthrough there must be a great strongman to break through first. No breakthrough comes through times of peace, it comes hard earned and well fought.

This is going to be interesting. But more than that this is yet another opportunity to rise to the occasion and to progress ever further with our walk with Yahweh.

-Tuesday, 13th June 2017, 1 year 9 months 5 days, 2323

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