Sunday 4 June 2017

Passing By

It's just how I wanted it and yet at the same time beyond my expectations. My birthday has passed by already and I am glad to see that it was a quiet, inconspicuous one. I'd rather just spend some time alone with my thoughts for the day than to really ham it out like some people do. To me a good day is one where there is a sense of serenity and tranquillity about. And I find that this year was one such day where I can just enjoy being with my loved ones somewhere else without the spotlight on me.

Then again, my birthday was also a day of sacrifice in the sense that though I had thought to relax a bit, responsibilities requiring me were advent on that day particularly. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy doing it, I've told before that truly in Yahweh we don't have such things as day offs or even leave days. Everyday is already a day of rest and enjoyment in Him if we truly see that so much so that things such as rest days are quite unnecessary save for the fact to sometimes catch up on sleep. There's no such thing as a day of rest when serving Yahweh but on the other side of the coin we have already entered into Yeshua's true rest so that we needn't have to go about using our own strength.

What a paradox really. We needn't rest because we are already at rest and in His rest. We rest aplenty because we haven't entered into His rest and know no true peace in spirit, soul, and body. But that is starting from the topic I want to speak about today.

Looking back I found my journey thus far in Yahweh to be quite the exciting one. True, that He has led me through thick and thin but the main matter is that He has led me through it all. What seemed like such a mountain during the time of the trial now seems like such an insignificant speed bump on the road. And truly I find that His Word is coming to pass for me, especially for me. And for that I truly an humbled by the fact that despite all that I've done, I've said, and gone through He, by His grace and mercy continues to lead me on. I truly serve an awesome Elohim.

Many people wonder whether or not this is the calling. That what I'm doing now is all there is and because of that many become discontent with their circumstances. They want more of something new and vibrant and I see often times that even in this ministry our young people itch for something new. However, for me I am extremely content with where I am so in a sense. Not to say that I want to remain here spiritually on my walk with Elohim, there must always be a continuing and a finishing of what has begun. But here at Glory Place Mantin, the calling of Elohim in my life has led me here and because now I am here I am content. Though I may go through many things here, though I may be stuck with the same routine every week, it's not a bore to me. I find it ever so joyous and a privilege to be able to walk in the will and the works of Elohim.

It's been a good birthday this year. Megan talks about her birthday where all her friends and family in Messiah celebrated it with her as an exceptional day but for me, it has to be quiet. I find such rest when there's no one but me and Elohim. I find myself reflected in the mirror of His Word and I find that I see not myself, but Yeshua once more. Should I see myself, I see errors and faults in my character and actions, but I see the Highest living in me and that is all that I need to see. Praise Yahweh.

-Monday, 5th June 2017, 1 year 8 months 29 days, 1808

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