Friday 28 July 2017

Sharing Burdens

This week has been quite a... peculiar week for me, it being the reason why I have yet to have written anything for a while. This week in particular marks yet another advance or even perhaps another moment of examining oneself all the more in times to come, in regards to myself.

The week began on the Sunday night, that's when I had realised that something was amiss, or perhaps you could say that the Holy Spirit was once again revealing more things that I am not to keen on prying into. I realise that He is showing me the conditions of my own being and the being of others. And it is not pretty. I realise that I still have yet much to improve on and many more areas in my life need the remoulding only Yahweh can do. However, I thank Elohim that He has given me insight into these matters but it makes me all the more concerned for my family, my loved ones, my brothers and sisters because from the way they speak, the way they conduct themselves, I can see. I watch, and sometimes I do not like what I see.

There is literally no one that can share the burden I am undergoing even though through these I am carrying burdens of others as well. Their concerns, their needs, their wants, I can sense all of it and I find myself deeply groaning because of it all. There is no one that I can cry out to except to Yeshua and only Yeshua. He hears me, He answers me, He is the only one that can resolve all my questions and give me the answer though I may not want it, but the answer that I need the most. Praise Yahweh.

This is definitely the time that Yeshua wants me to see beyond what can really be seen. The oppression, the works of the enemy have become so clear to my eyes. But at the same time the works of Yahweh which are very awesome have become greater in their reality and splendour. To bear one another's burdens and so fulfil the law of Messiah.

The days ahead seems marked with the same degree of difficulty. However, by His grace I so endeavour, and so continue standing firm on bended knees. The road I walk is the road only I can walk. There are many like it but this is the one specifically for me alone to journey on. A road lonesome and with much breaking and yet, I am never truly alone. You are here with me, my Lord Yeshua Messiah. I praise You because of it and much more.

-Saturday, 29th July 2017, 1 year 10 months 22 days, 0300

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