Monday 31 July 2017


As the days go by, I could sense that Yahweh is doing a work of preparation in my life. The more I delve deeper into His Word, the more the Word becomes much like a mirror. It reflects back at me who I really am, my character, my actions, my speech; all are weighed and brought to examination against the Word and I find that in many places I still lack. In many areas of my life as I reflect back I find myself lacking in regards to many a things. Of all things I've gained thus far, it comes as a notion that I still have much more to learn. To say that I've attained much is an overstatement when in fact I realise that Yeshua still have many things to say to me but I cannot bear them now.

This really causes a stirring within me to continue to hope in Elohim, because the change that I desire and seek for does not and will not come from the power in oneself, or the confidence in whatsoever actions or words of man. My hope clings to the promise that it is Elohim Who works in me, giving me the desire to fulfil His will and enabling me the means to do so. For neither he who sows and waters avail to anything, only Elohim gives the increase and thus receives the glory. This is the season for personal self examination because Yeshua Messiah is coming again very soon and I find that not just I but a vast majority of us are still lacking in many things. When He returns the criteria is that we must be like He just as He is. And I find that many times we do not exemplify the life of Messiah which was given to us.

In my life, I've think I've come to a point in time where I see no other road than the road given to me to walk and it's a road that only I shall and will traverse. Given that it's an unpaved road, it's a journey unlike any that I've encountered thus far to this point. It's quiet and alone, however not for long. Perhaps in the near future others will begin to travel this road but for now it's only me to carve a way. And I see that it is on this journey that I come more and more to see the wickedness in myself but the sovereignty in Messiah. That my hope should not be in mere words alone, but the power of Yeshua, His wisdom, His life that changes who I am fundamentally.

This is a season of self discovery and what I have discovered is that I am needing much more tutelage from the Holy Spirit. Have I made it? Yes, an assurance that the Holy Spirit cannot lie but hardly have I begun to take the steps necessary. I am still far from the goal and yet there is no other choice but to press on toward the upward prize. Heavenbound. It is exciting really, but at the same time the road I walk is uncertain. It's time for Elohim to take over once more.

-Tuesday, 1 August 2017, 1 year 10 months 25 days, 1447

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