Thursday 3 August 2017

Changing is Revelation

Being continuously in the house of Yahweh changes a person, one way or another. I found that in my time here thus far that there has been subtle changes taking place in my life and the life of others as well. Nothing so grand like fireworks but something like a ripple in the water; a change not many will notice but a change nonetheless that ripples on unto bigger shock waves. One way or another, we are all not the same person we used to be when we first entered into the fellowship of the Spirit. As to whether it is good or bad, it is entirely up to the person in question but as for me I realise that Elohim is launching me into a journey that will fully change me immensely.

We are all growing, without growth plant is useless and ought to be cut down. Progressive revelation keeps us moving on in the path of righteousness because without it, people cast off restraint and perish.

[Pro 29:18] Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.

A footnote in my Bible says that without vision, people are made naked, laid bare. And rightfully so, because I find that unless we move from glory to glory then does it not mean that we have entered not the rest of Elohim but stagnancy? Without a vision, or being contextual; revelation there is no real depth to our knowledge and understanding and walk with Messiah. It's all just in the head. Where is the chewing, the meditating, the moving up the rings of the ladder that comes from heaven down to earth? To have a revelation is not the same as having understanding in a particular word in the Bible. That's clarity, in my perspective. Revelation changes lives. The book of Revelation of Yeshua Messiah changed forever the life of John the apostle and all those who read it, even in our times. What fervency they put in to ready themselves for the coming of the Lord, what zeal, what turning of lives it had done. That's the change that ought to be seen in us as we continue in the faith. Not just to remain as a mustard seed, but to die and then begin to bear the fruit of Messiah. So that even from death to life to the bearing of good fruit, Messiah fills all in all.

Progressive revelation is not just understanding what a word in the Bible means after some time, that's clarity. Revelation is what has that clarity of word done in your life? Has it affected you as all the Word of Elohim should have? Where is the change it produced in you and I? Revelation is as I would liken it to the act of John and Ezekiel eating the little book. It was sweet in their mouths but bitter in their bellies. The Word which we hear is sweet in the mind but when it comes down to it, the Word is spirit and spirit confronts flesh. The belly of a man also speaks about the heart of a man and so when spirit and flesh confronts one another, it becomes fiery and bitter. There must be a change.

This is another topic that can go on and on and I believe in due time, Elohim will reveal yet more. But it doesn't matter how much He reveals to us, what matters most is what we do with what He has revealed to us. What's the point of Him revealing His secrets to us, His disciples and children if instead of conforming ourselves to His will to allow His Word to take root and grow and change us, we instead conform ourselves to our own will and cause His Word to just tickle eardrums? How will we stand in the days to come? If we learn not to change, then eventually there will come a time that when we desire change, it will be withheld from us because we do not want to take it now.

-Friday, 4th August 2017, 1 year 10 months 28 days, 0108

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