Thursday 10 August 2017

Faith in Messiah

It's the second day of the 3 days of corporate fasting and prayer and of the 10 days of fasting in conjunction to the upcoming prayer advance and as everyone lying flat on the carpet or either really lethargic, here I am with much time to spare. It's in this time that I contemplate just what exactly is the purpose of this month's fast for me and what I have found thus far is indeed wonderful.

The first day has already breezed by in a flurry and I find myself ever so grateful to Elohim that in this fast He had revealed to me many things. The main reveal of course is about faith. Just midnight I had received the revelation of faith and it has changed my perspective on many things already. Faith is not something that required us to do anything, faith is void of human application. Faith is simply to believe and it is done. Not a matter of how to apply it or how can I live it out, else we will fall into the same category of people that asked Yeshua what they must do to work the works of Elohim. There is no contribution or needing to prove ourselves worthy to attain to the unsearchable riches in Messiah. The fact is we are not, and it is only by faith in Messiah that we have access. Everything of the promises of Elohim are first in Messiah and only the faith in Messiah accesses and taps into the power, the kingdom of heaven manifest. On our part we must come to the realization that there is nothing we can do, nothing we can add. If there was, then faith would no longer be faith, it would be works and then our faith in the Lord would be meaningless.

Another thing which He graciously revealed in me is that He showed me exactly when the Spirit takes over when I pray and I find that to be true. I won't expound further on this because this is only for me as the Spirit moves me to give utterance. However, the revelation that He had given me is astounding. Now, I no longer need to try so hard, so much. I just believe and act on that belief in Yeshua Messiah and I will see everything done in due time. And prior to this, He had already shown me it is true. Everything that Pastor Jean is able to do I can as well. I speak not in the manner to boast but rather as truth of the matter because we each, though we may have been given different measures of faith, are given different measures of one, singular faith in Messiah. The factor that separates is simply those who have exercised their faith to what extent. Is your faith still a mustard seed? Or has it grown into a mountain range already?

If we cannot trust Yahweh now to fulfil His promises through Messiah then I cannot see how we will stand in the near future. The time is coming where only those who are in the faith of Yeshua shall remain, the rest shall experience such dryness because for too long we have been putting our faith in ourselves and others around us. It's time to allow Messiah to carry us through as He had promised. From birth to hoar hairs He is the One Who shall deliver and carry us through all things so long as we believe He will then He will. If not, then we are left to our own devices.

-Thursday, 10th August 2017, 1 year 11 months 3 days, 1520

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