Thursday 17 August 2017

Journey Ahead

It's been over a week since I last blogged and for the simple reason that this week was quite the interesting week that I had to see it through before writing anything beforehand. In line for the upcoming prayer advance being held in about one week's time, Pastor Jean has made a 24 hour non stop harp worship in groups of 3 happen. And as such, it has been exciting. The staff and helpers of Glory Place and Semarak come together at Mantin to worship in watches ranging from a minimum of one hour to a maximum of 3 hours per watch. I have had the privilege of worshipping in the morning every morning from 8-10am as well as together with the children from 6-7pm just before the corporate service every night. Of course, prior to all this I had other plans but you know, this is what Elohim wants and as His children we abide by the will of the Father in heaven. Because what He desires is something good for us and what good it turned out to be for me.

I really enjoyed this week, despite the fact that I had to wake up early which I never liked. Throughout this week many things have happened to me and surely it is all by the leading of His Holy Spirit that He brings me to each and every moment through and through. Throughout the week I had learnt a lesson that I had known but perhaps needed reminding: the tongue. What we speak is important, and sometimes in the spur of the moment we speak beyond what we are called to share and in the end it leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. Which is why I believe that it is timely that Elohim is teaching me that if we do not know how or what to say, sometimes the best answer for the moment is an answer of silence.

Many people in the Old Testament, whenever they hear a word from Yahweh's messenger, speak neither good nor bad because it comes from Elohim. There's nothing to say or add to it other than let it be done and I found that that is the right attitude in such moments of time. We get spurred on, we feel our emotions surging but it is in those times that we must learn the best answer to give may not necessarily be a spoken answer.

This week I was reminded, I really enjoy talking and listening about the Word of Elohim. It's Elohim, plain and simple and He gives me life whenever I share or am being shared to from His Word. But if the topic should come to other matters than I'm much more a bystander because such things don't interest me. Curious wise, perhaps sometimes I might involve myself into the conversation but I'd much prefer to be left in silence and to observe. Many people have many things to say and impart but I found especially during this week that not everyone who speaks much speaks wisdom from Yeshua. Many speak of their own learnings in the past life, in the world; others speak about their issues and needs, such things do not concern me nor does it stir me as much as the Word does. Why do we not speak the Word more? Instead we speak about others more and as we know, strife begins from the gossip of one to another. And strife is like a breach of floodwater, therefore stop it before it begins.

This is a new season and time and I found that once more this season calls for much silence on my part. My part to share will and should be nothing except Messiah crucified and glorified in my life and the living out of it. However, the act of living it out does not come from me, the living out comes from faith in the Messiah Himself. Just like Paul said,

[Gal 2:20] I am crucified with Messiah: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Messiah liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of Elohim, Who loved me, and gave Himself for me.

In other words, I am crucified with Messiah. I no longer am alive, my desires, wants, passions, and dreams are all dead. My character that defines who I am is dead but my physical life and body are still alive. The life in my physical body I live by the faith in the Son of Elohim Who loved me and gave Himself for me.

It's not what we can do, we're dead. It's all about Yeshua Messiah now because only when we are in Him do we live and have our belonging.

[Act 17:28] For in Him we live, and move, and have our being; as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also His offspring.

I don't understand how we came here. Any ways what's done is done and now looking ahead I see the road marked for me and it is a quiet road, one where I can just be together with Yahweh in the stillness and know Him for Who He really is to me. Praise Yahweh for that.

-Friday, 18th August 2017, 1 year 11 months 11 days, 0053

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