Sunday 20 August 2017

Secret Place

You know, as I'm pondering as to what exactly Elohim is working in my life, I found that more than anything He is opening my eyes and ears and stopping my mouth. This is yet another new season in Yahweh and this season calls for silence, I think I had mentioned this in the previous post as well. But everyday that passes I find that the time to voice out, the time to speak is most definitely not now. Despite everything that is happening I have found that the best answer that one can give is one that is first drawn from in silence. In this present age and time I am seeing that we all have so much to speak forth but I find that those who speak forth so much in the end prove nothing more than those who utter little.

For me, I am finding my solace in the stillness of places and moments where I can just be with Yeshua and just myself. Because it is in those moments that I draw strength, vitality, life, and everything that I will have need of; whether knowingly or unknowingly so, for the expanse of each day's requirements. However I have learnt that just because the situation that I am in is less than ideal for Scriptural meditation, quietness in spirit is a completely different thing than being quiet in surroundings. Many of us enjoy times when we have company, and also times when we have time to ourselves and Elohim alone. However it's in the nature of the sons of Elohim that they are immovable in spirit. Though the world around us and even our own worlds shake and tremble so much, we have a river which flows within us that makes us glad, at peace, and at home with Elohim.

[1Co 15:58] Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

[Psa 46:3-4] Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of Elohim, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High.

Though we may busy ourselves with many things, one thing is needed which will really see us through many a seasons in our journey with the Messiah, and that is quietness in the spirit. Not just the quietness in the surroundings because that will only last for so long. But quietness in spirit will allow us to be able to be continuously connected with Yahweh by the Spirit even though our surroundings beg to differ. And this is the season as I believe that Elohim is looking to cultivate this particular aspect in me and surely all the more as what will take place during the seminar in a few days' time. Everything leading up to this seminar is surely a big dent in the enemy's camp and we can expect mighty, awesome things to take place during the seminar and especially all the more when other churches will be coming as well.

All the more reason then to find ourselves hidden away in the hiding place of Yahweh for what is to come. Because whether it may be due to the workload, or because of situations surrounding us and others, the only solution is when we come to the point of nothing of ourselves save for the fact that we know for certain we're in the hands of the Almighty. It's the inner man that will motivate and cause a change to occur to the outwardly. Though the physical came first, it is the spiritual that influences and controls the physical body. And thankfully we are joined to the Head of all principalities and powers governing. Situations don't dictate what we do, we make a decree and it shall be done despite circumstances telling us otherwise. That is the role of a king.

All this comes firstly from the fact that we must come to a point in our walk where there is nothing else that we can do, even if it's something for the Kingdom. There's in truth, nothing that we can do apart from the Messiah and as we first quieten ourselves, we will see that it is the Spirit who works in us thoroughly so that Messiah Yeshua alone receives all the glory. We can have peace and quiet in our vicinity but that doesn't mean we have peace and quiet inside of us. Once we lay hold of the latter, then even if it becomes noisy and a hoo-haa, we are at peace because the Elohim of peace crushes satan underneath us. And that in due time. Praise Yahweh.

-Sunday, 20th August 2017, 1 year 11 months 13 days, 2052

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