Wednesday 1 November 2017


Life is good. In consequence to what I've written this week as it is thus far is full of unexpected twists and turns and yet in a deep recess of my being I kind of expected such things. After all, my previous posts was one where I welcomed the challenges as it came so that I may breakthrough.

This week has been nothing short of miraculous. From Monday onwards until Thursday morning as I write this I am filled with the Holy Spirit as I see myself guided and strengthened by Him for every and all occasions. For Monday we had been given the task of providing coverage for the construction in progress of the new sanctuary here in Glory Place and as such we had to pull down large bamboo trees and bend them in angles where it would provide as much covering as it could without breaking it. Two hours into the work, the rain came down and seeing the fervency of my brother Caleb performing the task even during the rain I knew I couldn't leave him to it alone. I didn't but stuck with him through and through until the end and by the end of it all I was drenched and tired but thoroughly enjoyed myself. I even had the privilege of climbing the telephone pole for a higher vantage point during the work, it wasn't so much a work but more of an adventure.

Such was the case today as well. Having been given the task of fixing the leaks on the roofs of the new cabins I went forward without actually knowing what I would get myself into until only later on. The tar which I was to use was viscous like anything and completely stuck itself to my skin, my clothes, my shoes, and my equipment. By the end of it I was left covered in black goo. People even were concerned about it but it wasn't a bother, this isn't the first time I've dabbled in tar and how sticky it can get. What was most important was that I enjoyed myself yet again.

All in all, every and all tasks given to us can be such a pleasure if we so desire it to be. But the reverse is also applicable as well where we make our jobs dutiful and with a heavy heart we do it, not because we want to but because we have to and that changes our perspective and mood about the whole thing and even for the rest of our day in some occasions. Because we do not know how to find pleasure in the work of Yahweh it will be very, very difficult to continue on our walk with Him. When we find no pleasure in Him, our walk is a walk begrudgingly taken and that kind of journey holds nothing but sorrow and disappointment. But the blessing of Elohim is that He's given us His Holy Spirit to lead and guide us into all truths and works in Himself so that we needn't even lift a finger per se. What I merely mean by that is that we are supplied richly with the power and strength of Messiah and needn't turn to ourselves for the solution. But to access such a gift is first to yield ourselves entirely to the fire as in Romans 12. Not to fear the flames but to know that as we launch ourselves willingly into it, the will of Yahweh will be revealed and done in and through us in our times. After all, I firmly believe that there will come a time when even the things we do will no longer be accepted unless we bring a willing offering unto Yeshua.

[2Co 8:10-12] And herein I give my advice: for this is expedient for you, who have begun before, not only to do, but also to be forward a year ago. Now therefore perform the doing of it; that as there was a readiness to will, so there may be a performance also out of that which ye have. For if there be first a willing mind, it is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not.

[Exo 25:2] Speak unto the children of Israel, that they bring Me an offering: of every man that giveth it willingly with his heart ye shall take My offering.

-Thursday, 2nd November 2017, 2 years 1 month 26 days, 0051

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