Sunday, 25 February 2018

All Authority is Given

And with that, we have officially closed the 42nd National Prayer and Intercessor's Advance entitled, "The Power of the Kingdom". And what a ride it has been. Honestly, the 10 days passed by so quickly that one begins to suspect whether or not it really was ten days or just half of it. But what I want to share is of course what I've been through during this advance.

And this advance was in almost every single way, from its beginning to the end so much like the Holy Land's convocation. Everything in its beginning was of a controlled chaos where everyone who had accommodations in the new dorms and apartments where left with no place momentarily to rest their heads because the buildings in itself were incomplete. And thus, a need to sacrifice was in order and I was all the more willing though not at first but through the careful consideration of my peers and looking at the state of the incomplete new buildings, I found that there was a treasure to gain when taking the loss of my room. In the end, the young boys and I received by far the most luxurious room of them all. Just the seven of us in a large two storey dormitory, and since the original purpose of the large dorm was to accommodate a large amount of people, it was designed for mass usage. So, we needn't fight over the order to shower because we each were able to have our own individual showers with hot and cold waters flowing forth. Talk about being the blessed of Yahweh Most High.

Throughout this entire advance, everyday without fail there came not just a high but a humbling to go along with it as well. Everyday I received in some way through events or people a humbling of myself and more so I am reminded time and time again that I have yet to receive even better things from Elohim through Messiah by the Spirit. There needs to be a humbling so that when we see the true nature of ourselves, the excellence of Messiah is all the more exalted and the perfection of the finished work of the cross is all the more made real in me. When I see my faults, I see that I stand not because I'm good or perfect but that because He is good to me and He makes all things perfection.

This was a real advance to me, in the sense that everything felt so real, so alive in the Spirit to me. I saw the Lord seated on the throne high and lifted up, and the train of His robe fills the temple. Having been given the duties of worshipping every night, it was a true pleasure to do so. Because I found that there was truly a refreshing presence of Yahweh for me every time I would worship wholeheartedly. I would get sleepy headed, then I would be refreshed for the rest of the night. I was also given the duties to oversee the rubbish collection as per usual. I really enjoy those times because it is then that I learn not just about myself more but also other people as well. You'd be surprise just how many people become loose in their guards when they throw the rubbish and leftovers and I'm there to see it. More so, I see it as yet another humbling on my part. No one wants to do such a job like this but I can enjoy it so much during those times. I remember there was a time a Chinese sister threw something important accidentally into the rubbish bags and so the boys and I had to sift through the bags with our hands to find her belonging. It was pretty disgusting but I had such a joy from doing it. I thoroughly enjoyed myself through and through it all.
All in all, what I received most during this prayer advance was that I have the power given to me by Yeshua over all things and situations. Little things said in Yeshua's name will come to pass, whatever spoken or thought in faith in Elohim becomes a reality and every action made is one directed by the Spirit of Yahweh. It was truly an awesome prayer advance and though it has ended, surely the ones to come Elohim willing; the next ones will be even more splendrous in glory. Praise Yahweh for all things because He only does good things.

-Monday, 26th February 2018, 2 years 5 months 19 days, 0208

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