Monday 19 February 2018

Peace; Delivered and Rescued

We're about halfway through the prayer advance, "The Power of the Kingdom" and this is definitely in every way like the Holy Land just in the way that I've experienced it. If you've known my story and what transpired there then you more or less know where I'm going with this writing.

This advance has been one full of confrontation for me. Whether physically, emotionally, and of course spiritually as well. In fact, there has not passed one single day where I've yet to not have a confrontation in some sort of way or form. But praise Yahweh He has delivered me through it all. Not from it, there was still a need for me to go through with them because one way or another I am bound to offend some party or people. So, whatsoever the choice I make I'm bound for the refining fire. And through it all I realised that the Holy Spirit requires of yet one more thing from me: my voice. Whether by voice of opinion or the voice to sing, He has required it from me and so I have given it to Him.

And what liberation I have now that I've released my voice for His use and purpose. And even in that I realised that I've come some ways but still there is much more to grow into. I've long since stopped questioning why and how with Yeshua because He does things His way and I'm expected to follow in it. Even so with this. I'm set free in the sense yet another burden I never realised I had has been lifted off from me and I'm much lighter now than I was. I was actually quite bogged down by something but now, it's been driven from me. Praise Yeshua for that.

There is a new season here for me, and it calls for quietness and confidence. Perhaps more so, that now it's time to find my voice in the Spirit once again.

[Isa 30:15] For thus saith the Lord YAHWEH, the Holy One of Israel; In returning and rest shall ye be saved; in quietness and in confidence shall be your strength: and ye would not.

-Monday, 19th February 2018, 2 years 5 months 12 days

Actually, I've received my breakthrough yet again. And this time it's about the voice. When I surrendered my voice to Elohim, it was as though a large chunk of me was taken out in the process. I felt quite drained after that and had no real appetite for the Word nor the presence of Yahweh during that short period of time. Praise Yahweh that He didn't leave me alone. Pastor Jean sensed the powerful visitation of the Holy Spirit and prayed for the nations, Malaysia included. So when it was the staff and helpers turn, I went up and when she prayed for me it was just as usual. However, as I was lying down I was being ministered to by the Holy Spirit.

He and I had a little conversation and what He told me was that I needn't receive all this oppression from the enemy, it's not from Him. At the moment, I received that epiphany and realised He's right. In that moment, I rejected the oppression and released the power of the Holy Spirit upon me. I lay down with a frown, and I woke up with a smile on my face. The joy and pleasure of Elohim has returned to me and I'm glad. As for the issue with the voice, I've surrendered it to Him and now perhaps there is something greater in store for me to come in the next half of the advance. Praise Yahweh!


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