Thursday, 15 February 2018

All Smiles

You know, my first thought about this particular prayer advance was: "It's just like the Holy Land!" And in many ways it is. The day and night shift is quite spontaneous in the sense that I'm on call for any hour every hour for any duty every duty imaginable. I particularly enjoy the work which must be done during the nightly hours and even as I write this I'm just sitting down here with a cool drink, munching on some biscuits and chips and having such satisfaction not just in seeing how the Holy Spirit has directed me thus far, but the satisfaction that it is a job worth toiling for. For the glory of Yahweh of course I am willing to suffer inconveniences so that our other guests may have the best during their brief stay here and yet, it turns out that I have the best now because of what I was willing to surrender to Elohim. Everyone is everywhere and cramped into every room imaginable and yet I've been given a room completely isolated from the hustle and bustle. A sanctuary within the sanctuary. An inner sanctum if you will. The best of everything comes my way now and this is but the start of the prayer advance.

I am the blessed of Yahweh because of Yeshua. So, why should I not be blessed. This really is like the Holy Land in so many similar ways. And I'm glad that I'm not just an onlooker but am part of it all in this time and season. This might be a very short write up but you cannot begin to fathom the expectancy that I'm having for the days to come. If all this clashing of wills and emotions which yields but the peaceable fruit of righteousness and humility brought for so much in just a span of two days, how much more the fullness of it all in the time to come? I'm expecting awesome things from Elohim by the Spirit and so shall I receive them. I already have in fact...

Praise Yahweh.

-Friday, 16th February 2018, 2 years 5 months 9 days.

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