Friday, 10 August 2018

Inward Strength

For the past few days I had been struggling with some tiredness which suddenly came upon me. Even at the most simplest of tasks would easily leave me gasping for air and I would always feel completely wrung dry after a day's work is complete. I had wondered what was wrong with me. Perhaps it was because I had just returned from Haikou that I've yet to accommodate myself back to the usual grind of Glory Place's working style but that wasn't the case. I knew what had to be done and how to do it most efficiently but that still left me wanting for downtime. Perhaps it is simply warfare and that part is true, what I was going through was simply too unnatural to call it a simple weakness of the body. In fact, my friend humorously suggested that I go for deliverance to which I responded flatly that it was a funny joke. I mean, she did paste a smiling, crying face at the end of the sentence and whatnot. But the more I saw that message, the more I contemplated that something spiritually odd was taking place within me and that the means to rectify it I must seek out and fast. Praise Yahweh I found the cause and the solution to it all: my prayer slot.

Due to the durian season which is already over by the way, the boys and I were relieved from slot duty so long as the durians keep dropping from the trees. Which means early to bed and early to rise. But what was to be just a few weeks extended into 5 weeks worth of not taking slots and when I recall back that really adds up the toll on the spiritual body. Lately, I've begun to realise the importance of soaking oneself in the presence of Yahweh for long periods of time. It's like how one soaks a stained white shirt in a bucket full of bleach for an extended period so as to remove those persistent stains and clots. Much more us, I myself found that it is imperative and absolutely important to take slot because by doing so allows us not just to rest and recharge physically but also spiritually as well. Thus, we never wane strength but wax brighter and stronger all the more because of it. But because of the work's demand we were given off of it and it was only at the very end of the season that Pastor Jean stepped in to put us all back on slot again for which I am grateful. I found such richness after having been away for so long from it that I found my slot time to be immensely rich, satisfying, and refreshing to me altogether.

The problem is no longer a problem now. With my 1.00am to 3.00am slot time restored I now have the means to spend this quiet few hours with the Lord Yeshua whether by myself or together with the boys and I am made better because of it. The tiredness has completely come to an end and now real strength is once more surging from within. Praise Yahweh. Therefore, it's not about how long we sleep. We can sleep a full 8 hours and still wake up as though having slept less than 2 but having spent hours and days in the presence of Yahweh, time becomes irrelevant and inconsequential. I find that because I spend this time solely to worship, pray, and to seek Elohim the hours no longer matter nor count. I can sleep for less than 5 and still be fresh and awake as though having slept the whole day through.

This is something needful to remind myself that my slot time is not to be taken begrudgingly nor lightly, it is the Lord Yeshua I am ministering to after all. And because I draw near to Him, He too draws nears to me with all His wondrous and timely blessings and impartations. Praise Yahweh for this breakthrough.

-Saturday, 11th August 2018, 2 years 11 months 4 days, 0350

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