Saturday 4 August 2018

Mission Accomplished; Continuation

It's not a complete experience here at Hainan without first experiencing their coconuts. As I'm told they're also called the City of Coconuts and no wonder, coconut trees decorate almost every road here in Haikou and almost every convenience stores we've been to sells coconuts as a local and common item alongside other usuals found elsewhere. Last night, we had a coconut feast. Coconut water, coconut milk, coconut sweets, coconut chips; the whole line of it. In fact, it was nearly coming out of my nostrils with it. I don't think I can look at another coconut again for a long while.

Anyways for breakfast was dim sum. Praise Yahweh that on the last day we managed to finish everything on our table. This is worth noting. Anyways, it's time. Tell everybody we're on our way...

-Saturday, 4th August 2018, 2 years 10 months 28 days, 1104



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