Friday, 25 January 2019

Friday Overnight

You know, I'm really enjoying myself here during this Friday overnights at Glory Place Mantin where there's an extra two hours more than what I'm usually used to. But none of that matters to me so long as the presence of Yahweh is here as He always is and that just makes the time and the hours so short and so enjoyable. Even as I look around and I see my brothers and sisters resting and praying I realise that I truly am blessed from above to be able to be a part of all this.

How can I ever be a part of all this when I am still in the world? I would have things to do, people to see and I would decline to meet the greatest Person of all Who would determine where I would go for eternity? It truly is a blessed thing to serve the Lord Yeshua as full time because that means that all I am, all I have, and will do belongs to Him and for Him. There really is no part time with Him and He will never accept such things from us but what He desires is simply that He would have His way amongst His people at His timing and planning and not our own. If I were still in the world I would have many cares and careers to manage and juggle but I am always reminded by the Holy Spirit that He has chosen me for the highest, greatest calling of all: to be with Him forever. And that is something I shall never trade for anything. This has become mine.

I've sidetracked, but the presence of Yahweh is very prevalent here in the sanctuary so much so that I'm fresh, awake, and aware of His moving and doings here in the midst of us. Usually I would struggle especially when the morning comes to stay awake but here in the presence of the Lord Yeshua I'm wide awake and it's such a pleasure if I'm not praying and worshipping to just sit here and bask in His glory and mercy upon me.
Nowadays I am reminded every time we worship the Scripture made songs that He is truly too awesome, merciful and gracious to one such as me. I've been made to stumble, fallen down, sidetracked, gone astray, torn asunder, inwardly wounded but yet every time He has healed, delivered, rescued, and restored me to Himself. Such mercy and grace I cannot fathom and all I can do is to worship and give Him the glory because He truly is worthy. Even when I'm in distress all the more is He worthy to be praised. This is truly a great start to the Sabbath day and its observance to remember the Lord Yeshua. Praise Him always.

-Saturday, 26th January 2019, 3 years 4 months 19 days, 0311

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