Friday, 12 April 2019

Inner Sanctum

It was a wonderful time that I was able to spend at Glory Place Petaling Jaya for this past few days. I applied some days off so that I may fast and seek Yahweh there and praise Yahweh that I was able to do that and accomplish much more as well.

Not to write too much now but during my entire stay there for the past few days I was able to catch up on my Bible reading and to just spend my time waiting upon Yahweh and receiving from Him. It was such a lovely place to be able to spend time and just be alone with Elohim and myself, of course David Huan was there with me though and his company was greatly appreciated. Needless to say I thoroughly enjoyed the past few days just resting there and reading the Bible.

While we were there as well we had our own prayer drive around the city on Thursday night and frankly as we were praying and going around I lost my way and nearly headed into Pahang itself from the highway but praise Yahweh that by the leading of His Spirit He led us both back to the right road safe and sound. Even on the way back today after we had our lunch we got lost again and found ourselves on the outskirts into the city but thank Elohim and the Lord Yeshua Messiah that we were able to be redirected back onto the right road once more.

There really isn't anything else to write of as of this moment because that's basically how our time there was spent: resting, waiting upon Yahweh, reading Bible, eating, worshipping albeit not as frequent. It was really such a peaceful and well thought out time to just be still and know that He truly is Elohim of our lives. Praise Yahweh for such an opportunity to be able to spend time like that in Glory Place PJ. Well, back to it then...

-Saturday, 13th April 2019, 3 years 7 months 6 days, 0137

1 comment:

  1. Glad that you went through the time with Yeshua. Something that you greatly and direly needed. Time of reflection and repentance before time of refreshment.

    Keep walking ever so close to Yeshua.

