Wednesday 1 May 2019

For Times Ahead

It has definitely been ages since I had last written but the fact of the matter was that nothing of major notice has happened as of late. In fact everything has gone on smoothly as it should be. Well, as smoothly as it ought to be which includes the usual everyday warfare with Yahweh's deliverance and His guidance through His Word and His Spirit, His blessings which He pours out everyday which always overshadows every troubles and trials one goes through. Through one begins the day in normalcy, he ends it in joy for the good that Messiah Yeshua has truly blessed Him with. So yes, everything has been as usual as of late.

But perhaps what is now happening is that once again I see the Lord hastening the pace at which the work He has begun and which He promised to perfect and complete it. Even now I can tell that events are being set into motion and when everything comes to a head then it will become exciting once again. The work which the Lord Yeshua does I find is mysterious and frightening, yet at the same time known and exciting. It truly is a mystery but one that is made known though perhaps vaguely to me. Now I see that the ball has been set rolling once again and during this fast and prayer time I do look forward to the work which He will accomplish in and through me and more so for everyone here involved.

The time is coming when all one can do is cling to the Lord Yeshua for the times to come. The seasons ahead look to be one filled with much excitement if one continues to hold steadfastly to the Head of all things Who is Messiah the Lord.

[Col 2:19] And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of Elohim.

But if one lets go then it surely becomes a different matter altogether.

[Heb 10:31] It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living Elohim.

-Wednesday, 1st May 2019, 3 years 7 months 24 days, 1535

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