Thursday, 9 May 2019

The Anointing to Wait

It's the season of waiting. I didn't realise it at first but now as the week has progressed I found that everything has been pointing to waiting upon Yahweh to take over all things and as well to enjoy the time spent just receiving in His presence. Almost every conversation and action that I've had and taken over the past week either had a connection to waiting for Him or just about receiving and being still before Him until the moment is right to act and move. Actually it was when Pastor Jean mentioned last night during the Wednesday prayer meeting how this is the time for breakthrough and all we have to do now is to wait and receive it. That was when it clicked for me that this is what Yahweh wanted to be done during this time.

Over the course of my time spent here serving Yahweh I've begun to cultivate not only how to worship and pray but also to wait upon Yahweh. Because I find that inasmuch as it is good to worship the Lord and to pray to Him it is also good I find that one takes time to be still and receive from Him. Frankly speaking this is a privilege that though is given many people but is taken lightly and as a result becomes a regret down the line of weeks, months, years because they simply did not use the time to wait for Him as He waits for us.

[Isa 30:18] And therefore will YAHWEH wait, that He may be gracious unto you, and therefore will He be exalted, that He may have mercy upon you: for YAHWEH is an Elohim of judgment: blessed are all they that wait for Him.

So now even in my time for my slot to worship on the harp and pray I also use set time to wait because I find that that is something though given to everything is hardly done and because of that their journey is proving difficult arduous. In fact, sometimes I find that waiting is not something for everyone but it is a must for everyone. Although sometimes it is good to sing the song of the Lord and to pray to Him, sometimes it is not called for. What is called for many times is for us to be still so that He can lead us to the right song and the right prayer, even practically so the right action and the right words.

So now I make it my aim, even when I am still young as this to cultivate the presence of Yahweh and the leading of His Holy Spirit. Not only for the anointing to worship and minister, pray and intercede, but also to wait and receive because ultimately the first two are tied together and strengthened by the latter. And so I might not write much this month simply because I am waiting and waiting. For what? For His will to be done in all things and for the continuation of His taking over until perfection takes place. Come Lord Yeshua!

-Thursday, 9th May 2019, 3 years 8 months 2 days, 1835

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