Friday, 6 September 2019

4 years

Well, it's officially 4 years now that I've been here serving Yahweh at Glory Place Prayer Centre of Malaysia. How fast the time just flies. I was just remembering and glanced through the very first post that I made when I came in to serve the Lord Yeshua here in this place and I realise that not only had I grown much, but perhaps a little bit more I have matured than who I was when I first arrived. For that I truly am glad.

Everything that has happened during these 4 years here have been of various reactions and responses from me. I've experienced climbing so high with Yahweh and at the same time plunging to the depths of my humiliation and weaknesses. But all in all I do not regret ever serving Yahweh, it was and will always be the best choice that I could have and have made in my lifetime. Because the rest of the world pursue the things that only the world can give, I thank the Lord Yeshua Whom I serve that I can pursue Him and lay hold of the very thing He too has laid hold of me: life.

2Pe 1:3-4 According as His divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of Him that hath called us to glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.

Had I remained in the world surely by now I would have received monetary blessings and mayhaps a stable job offer but I thank Elohim that He separated not just me but my family as well to pursue Him and to be about our Heavenly Father's business instead. Now what I have the world yearns for because they cannot have it: life, joy, peace, satisfaction, and spiritual authority in the name of Yeshua etc. I truly am glad that not only I could serve Yahweh but He has wondrously chosen and prepared this place for me. Truly in this place I see signs and wonders happening all day, I see nations coming in to the house of Yahweh to learn of Him and to worship Him, I bear witness that the glory of Yahweh truly is in this place and He has greatly changed my life and turned things around in my favour. Not because I was an obedient son Elohim knows that many times I was simply doing what I was required to do, but because He loves me so much that He has given me freely all things.

Rom 8:32 He that spared not his own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?

4 years have passed by in the blink of an eye and now new things have begun to open up. Things which was promised to me from the beginning I am now experiencing and now the fulfilment of every Word of Elohim is at hand. All the more reason now to continue to run this race with endurance and to see it through to the very end. I truly praise You, o Lord Yeshua because in Your great love, mercy, and grace towards someone like me You have chosen me from billions to serve You and to minister to You always in Your house. Such a privilege as this I will not surrender, You have given me Your life, Your blessing, Your Holy Spirit, Your power and authority, and Your fullness. But all these things pale in comparison to knowing that You are alive in me and that You are always with me, leading me, guiding me, teaching me all things, and revealing things to come even. To know You is the greatest gift I have been given and I thank You Lord Yeshua that You too know me as I have known You, perhaps in the greater, immeasurable way than mine. Praise Yahweh, in Yeshua's name. Amen!

-Saturday, 7th September 2019, 4 years, 0404

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