Wednesday, 25 March 2020


The end is nigh! Yeshua is coming again very, very soon and we had best believe we need to be prepared to meet Him face to face. With the announcement that our nation of Malaysia has extended the lock down by another 2 weeks giving it a total of a month of restricted movement about, things will be happening one after another that will indeed bring about the coming of our Lord as I believe. 

As I was just contemplating on the Word and the news of the extension of the lock down suddenly my spirit within me notioned that I had better take this time seriously. I just felt that I had to repent, get right with Yahweh before everything else spirals out of control at an alarming pace later on in the future, this is but the beginning I believe. Many more things will be happening very fast and sooner than we know it the end of the age will come and the ushering in of the kingdom of heaven to earth. So I felt strongly within me that I had best to make ready to meet with the Lord Yeshua for who knows the day or the hour when He comes? It will be like a thief in the night, we are expecting Him but at what hour will He come then? 

The lock down has been marvellous, really it has given me time to really appreciate where I'm staying at and to know that despite the world shutting itself down and locking itself up, the Word of Yahweh goes forth and is not chained down. 

2Ti 2:9 Wherein I suffer trouble, as an evil doer, even unto bonds; but the word of Elohim is not bound.

I was chosen to be the sacrificial lamb, in my leader's benevolent own words; to fetch Pastor Jean and the team who had just arrived back from Kota Kinabalu, Sabah back to Glory Place. Their flight was in the dead of night, at 2.00am in the morning and so I was chosen to be the sacrificial lamb to venture forth into a time of blockades and questionings. Before that I retorted to my leader that although I am the lamb I have hope because the Lamb rose again on the third day, to which we all shared a laugh before I went off. Good times, good times. But what my leader and I had spoken together was unbeknownst to us prophetic! I encountered 3 roadblocks on my way to and fro the airport and it was the first two that I was heavily questioned upon, particularly the second roadblock. They were asking me questions going into the most minute of detail concerning my airport pick up. 

Why are you out at 2.00am in the morning? Why are you going to the airport? Which part of Sabah are your friends flying from? What were your friends doing in Sabah? Show us the air ticket. Show us the conversation that you have had with them on your phone. What is Yb? What is Yahweh? Are you a Christian? What is GP? What is Glory Place? Where is this church? Why did they call you to pick them up? 

After a long line of questioning where I had to keep praying in my heart for the right answer of peace to give them, the officer looked at me squarely and said in Bahasa Malaysia: You serve your God, I serve my god. We need to do what is best for our nation, so we must be careful and alert at all times. Then he told me I could go. If I could cry at that moment I would have but I didn't, instead I praised and worshipped the Lord Yeshua in the van on the way to the airport for His deliverance for me. When I reached the team who were waiting for me, they knew what I had been through because they were praying for me earnestly for which I truly am thankful for such a family in Messiah. It was actually when they said "Amen" that I rolled in with the van at that exact moment. 

Now I said that the conversation that I had with my leader was prophetic and it was because on the third roadblock we werent even questioned at all. Not one bit, we just told them twice that we came from the airport and they let us go. Smooth. 

What an experience that was for me, if it is the will of Yahweh may I never need to go through it again but if it is indeed His will that I go through I will happily do so because I know my Redeemer lives and He will stand with me until the end. Praise Yahweh for that. And actually the prophetic word didn't end there but as we know every sacrifice there had to be a shedding of blood and surely blood had been shed. Before I left to fetch the team from Glory Place suddenly my right ear started to bleed. It wasn't a lot but I noticed when I was cleaning my ear that my cotton bud was stained red with blood. Having looked into the mirror I saw a small trickle of blood rolling out of my ear. I of course commanded the blood to stop flowing in Yeshua's name and it did but to me know that I've been through this whole experience, it was somewhat prophetic. Yahweh accepts a sacrifice only when blood has been shed... 

Anyways that was my experience which I had a few days ago, but now it really is all leading to the soon return of our Lord Yeshua Messiah for His bride. We are to be watchful, to be ready. Anything can happen now at any given time and not just here in Malaysia, the whole world is involved with this as well now. Now is the time instead of stocking up supplies for oneself one should fill oneself with the Word of Elohim first. When you put Him first, then He will take care of the rest. Even in times such as this. Praise Him and may His coming be nearer when we first believed. 

-Thursday, 26th March 2020, 4 years 6 months 19 days, 0009

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