Saturday, 4 April 2020

Nearing The End

The restriction order for our nation has been extended. Did I mention that? If I did I reckon that I had best mention it again because now as we are seeing what the world is coming to I truly am so glad to be in the house of Yahweh and in His presence in these last days. So many things have begun to accelerate to the end of the age and more so there is an urgency of the times. We are nearing the crux of the final hour and it will be soon time for every Word of Elohim to be fulfilled. 

What an exciting time to be alive now, what a privilege it is to be among the last few generations that will see the coming of our Lord Yeshua once again. And yet inasmuch as there is great excitement there is also a great turnabout happening now. Many lives and many persons are changing, those who truly can press into the things of the Spirit are spearheading the charge and those who are still out and about are still doing their own things. This is a time where we need to truly make right with the Lord Yeshua and to cleave to His Word because now there is so much propounded and conspiracies and fake news going about around the world that one cannot tell one from another unless one really delves into the different stories thoroughly. But there is no time left, for myself personally I have so much time and yet at the same time not enough time left. The coming of our Lord Yeshua is imminent and I can feel the urgency to not only soak myself more into His presence but to allow Him to make the changes in my life that He wills to do so. 

Truly I cannot begin to express just how near the end we are and how important it is to finish the work of Yahweh and to come to such an intimate, personal relationship with Him and His Son and His Spirit. Especially now that many of us are experiencing the lock down not just around here but everywhere around the world, we have ample time to give and spend with the Lord and we have no more excuses to say that we have no more time or are too busy. All things have come to a stop expect the work of Elohim, He is still active and alive even now and He is among His people. 

The time draws near when the final curtain call will be made and I am taking this time now to fully soak myself in His presence and Word because I know well enough that soon everything will be turned to fulfil Biblical prophecy and that only the Lord Yeshua can sustain us through these times. The end draws nigh and we are privileged to see the sun come down and the Son arise with healing in His wings. He will return very, very soon... 

-Saturday, 4th April 2020, 4 years 6 months 28 days, 1834

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