Wednesday 12 August 2020

Tree Felling; Continuation

We have entered the final preparation weeo before the prayer advance "Manifesting The Glory of Yahweh's Presence" begins. And we praise Yahweh that despite there not being so many people as in precious seminars and advances the work continues on and is being done. Truly we are witnessing the Holy Spirit taking over all the work, He is supplying us the strength necessary for each day as it may require and whatsoever is needed on that day. 

Just recently there has been high winds and heavy rain, so because of that the rubber tree in front of my room and the boys' kitchen have cracked from the roots and have begun to tilt, leaning precariously to one side. In my heart I am truly glad to see that this tree is going soon because in my heart this tree in particular has been a bane to me whenever I blow the leaves and keep the compound tidy. This tree in particular likes to be brittle and drop its rubber seeds and withered branches so it's a hassle to see this happen and I have to clean up after it. But it's happening now, this tree is going to go soon but not before I get a good night's sleep first. Which is now, praise Yahweh. 

-Thursday, 13 August 2020, 4 years 11 months 6 days, 0349

Wait, now that I get a good proper look at it in the morning, it's the wrong tree. This tree did nothing wrong, it's the other tree next to it that's been muddling the place I'm trying to keep clean. Oh well... 


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