Thursday, 20 August 2020

Wells Buried Unearthed

Today the prayer advance "Manifesting The Glory of Yahweh's Presence" begins and I truly am excited about it. The Holy Spirit is exposing all the deep hurts and uncleanness in me these past few days but really it all came to a climax last night when He revealed to me the areas in which I had hurt others through my words and my actions although I had never meant to in the first place. Really, it's been such a long time since I cried tears and as I just spent time asking the Lord for forgiveness and repenting of my wickedness the more I felt I was being released from all these things. Many times my actions and my words were harsh upon others and I didn't even realise it until it was too late. 

I'm not trying to put the blame on anyone when I say that I really appreciate those who can withstand me and tell me my shortcomings and mistakes. Because anyone can praise you but it really takes those who are really close to you to point out where you have made a mistake or have fallen down. Such people, I really appreciate them although sometimes I might not like to hear what they have to say to me about it but in the end it is for my betterment and improvement so such people ought to be held in high esteem. 

I don't like it when people characterise me. "Oh, that's just the way he is. There's no helping it, it's just the way you are." Dislike is the most polite, respectful word that I could use to barely describe how I feel when people tell me that. I really do want to change however most are content with complimenting and praising and then to murmur and say it can't be helped, when what is needed is for someone to tell me where my faults lie then I can change. 

Psalms 141:5a
[5a] Let the righteous strike me; It shall be a kindness. And let him rebuke me; It shall be as excellent oil; Let my head not refuse it. 

In the end, those are the kinds of people I value more than others because they contribute to my growth and walk with the Lord Yeshua and are not simply onlookers or yes-men. The advance will soon begin and I have been liberated, but yet I can feel intimately that the Holy Spirit is still digging up all the old hurts that I never even knew I had, and cleansing me with the blood of Yeshua, making me become truly a glorious vessel of His manifestation. Praise Yahweh. 

-Friday, 21st August 2020, 4 years 10 months 14 days, 1442

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