Tuesday 5 January 2021

New Year

2021 is here now but I won't wrote much as it is quite late already and I plan to go to sleep soon in lieu for tomorrow's beginning of our monthly staff and helpers fasting and prayer once more. The year started of with the passing of our late Pastor John Thomas on the very first day of the new year after our Watchnight and Thanksgiving Service. I do not know what others might think but I find this especially significant and I believe that it is the Holy Spirit Who is giving us a sign that He is bringing forth new wine and greater things. To me, this passing was just like the passing of the torch. From the older to the younger generation. In fact, I had received a Scripture verse concerning this as well: 

Psalms 45:16
[16] Instead of Your fathers shall be Your sons, Whom You shall make princes in all the earth.

To me from what I understand the fathers symbolises the generation that was, or rather the older generation and the sons represent the generation to come or us, the younger folk. I believe the time is coming soon that we will see a great surge of powerful moves of the Holy Spirit everywhere and a great influx of souls into the kingdom of heaven. We will see things that has never taken place before until this time, all because I believe we are one of the last generations that will see the second coming of our Lord Yeshua. And with the passing of Pastor John I find it all the more assured that my stand and my choice to serve Yahweh and give my life to Him was not made lightly. I am so thankful that in such exciting times like now which we see are taking place, I can be found both physically and spiritually safe and untouched by the things the enemy wants to do and the things which the Lord Yeshua has prepared for those who love Him and which He shall reveal by His Spirit. 

The hastening of the work of Yahweh has begun and it is moving at such a pace that even I did not expect it to. We are witnessing what may perhaps be the great birth of revival in nations and the great shaking that has been promised of long ago. He who has ears to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches now... 

-Wednesday, 6th January 2021, 5 years 3 months 30 days, 0435

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