Saturday 6 March 2021

Take Me Higher

We've just finished our monthly Staff Fast & Pray this past Friday and Yahweh really moved greatly right after that. During the fast we were spending most of the time just waiting, receiving, and repenting on behalf of the church so we spent most of our time just soaking ourselves in His presence and letting the Holy Spirit move as He pleases each day and night during the 3 days of fasting. Right after that, during the Friday overnight prayer meeting there was a great breakthrough that took place. 

Before we began the meeting that night the worship team as usual would gather together and pray and commit the time and the service into the hands of our Lord Yeshua, so when it was my turn to pray as I mentioned the word "worship" immediately I felt a prompting in my heart that this is what the Holy Spirit wants to do tonight. I felt a growing excitement and expectation for the night's worship and how Yahweh would be moving greatly during that time. 

As we were worshipping suddenly Pastor Jean stopped the worship to ask all of us, both here and those online to receive the anointing of heavenly worship. So as we just spent a moment to wait and receive we began once more to worship by speaking and singing in tongues. And after that there was such a mighty release and a mighty breakthrough that took place. For myself personally, it felt like I was in heaven. I knew that I was worshipping here in GP still but at the same time I felt like I had entered into a different realm altogether. The worship was no longer about us trying to find the right song or singing well or playing well or anything about ourselves even. It was very easy to flow along with the worship from heaven and it was like all of us were caught up to experience it. 

It's difficult to put into words the sensations and the experience I had during this previous Friday overnight but what I can relate to it the most was like how I was a passenger in the car and the Holy Spirit is the driver. We both were going to the same direction and destination but He was the One Who was leading the way and all I had to do was relax and let Him guide me along. It was such a heavenly experience that night and it wasn't just me, many of us both here in GP and those online experienced the breakthrough into a new height of heavenly and spiritual worship like never before. Even now I can tell that my worship isn't the same any more after that experience but instead it's no more me trying to hype up the people or even me trying to find the right song to sing and what to do during worship. It's all about Elohim and what He wants to do, I just relax and let Him lead on as I just bear witness with what He wants to do for that meeting and that time. 

I'm truly thankful that I can join this Friday overnight prayer meetings every week and not just this service alone, every day and night we have meetings and services and everyday it's a new move of the Spirit each time we gather together in one accord in one place. Praise Yahweh that I can serve Him relentlessly. 

-Saturday, 6th March 2021, 5 years 5 months 27 days, 2330

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