Wednesday 17 March 2021

Just Thinking

There isn't much to write about or to say. But perhaps I can say that in a few months time it will be the durian season again and we look forward to it once more. Praise Yahweh. 

What's been going on lately? It's just that right now I'm deep in thought and just waiting. Waiting for what exactly even I am not sure but I know that that which I am to receive must come from the Lord Yeshua. I'm not sure how I can explain it clearly but right now for the past few days I've been in deep meditation and just being still in the Lord to hear from Him and to listen closely to what will soon come. Things are beginning to change, in fact I can sense that we are on the cusp of something big and this will without a doubt change the way we see and perceive things. Whether it is good or not will be left alone with for now until the day it fully manifests itself. 

I'm actually feeling a conflict of emotions and thoughts right now. A hotpot of different thoughts and feelings. But I am not strained by it. I know when it is the Holy Spirit speaking to me and He only speaks according to His Word. Even though it might sound like it is His will to do so, confirmation will come from His Word. Let that be a grounding principle. There can be no real revelation of His will without both His Word and Spirit, not one or the other. Creation took place with both, it is only sure that revelation comes with both as well. Hmmm... 

-Wednesday, 17th March 2021, 5 years 6 months 10 days, 2125

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