Wednesday 30 September 2015

September and more

We've come to the end of the month of September and are just breaking into the dawn of October. Truly Elohim has been merciful and gracious to me abundantly. Just like that, the month of seeking Yahweh is drawing to a close and the prospect of serving in the house of Yahweh excites me. Yes, there will be times when the work will be strenuous but I know that Yahweh will guide me continually, He will satisfy my soul in drought and strengthen my bones in the days to come. It's in His Word, surely He will do so.

The situation around Glory Place Mantin has been bustling as of late. It appears that we have an intruder of the sorts. Wild boar. Sweeping clean all the planted crops and vegetables, the boar appears to be quite cumbersome to say the least. Most recently my friend, Josiah and I during our return from the sanctuary after our prayer slot at 5am, we encountered that same wild boar. It was proportionally bigger than we had imagined and needless to say, it got to us. With a growl akin to that of a tiger (I kid you not), me and Josiah scrambled back home. Not our finest moment. Needless to say, we are once again reinforcing the fence surrounding GP to keep intruders the likes of them out and we in.

On another note, what am I to do with these notebooks that I have brought with me here? Although I appear to have an inkling to convert them into personal Scripture vaults, I am undecided. Ah, praise Yahweh. In due time it will all be brought into clarity. Goodbye September, into October we go!

-Wednesday, 30th September 2015, Day 23, 1754

Sunday 27 September 2015

The Fig Tree and Our Fruits

These two youngsters bamboozled me! Just recently I have been given a sweet pack during Yeshua Heals Miracle Healing Service (to which I will now refer to as Yeshua Heals) and was specifically told by my sister to not give as much as a single sweet to the two rascals, Dion; 9 and Philo; 8. Of course, they came swarming to me for the sweets to which I refused to give initially. But after their "alleged" asking of permission from their parents and utterly deplorable faces, I caved and gave them the candies only to find out I had failed the simple task given to me.

Now I have every chance to make noise concerning such matters but I won't. I failed and what is left of me is to learn from my mistakes and see the deeper meaning that Yahweh allowed this to occur to me. For one, the temptations of the devil are in many senses similar to this. Sometimes the most severe of trials come from the most unexpected of people or events. The enemy comes as a roaring lion and thus the need is there to be sober, vigilant, and watchful against his devices. Paying no heed to personal favouritism or such like manner.

What is otherwise notable is what Pastor John mentioned during the 2nd English Service at Semarak. He talked about the fig tree Yeshua cursed. Now He came to that tree hungry, looking for food but found none as it is not yet the tree's season of fruits. Thus, Yeshua cursed the tree to never bear fruit again. Now in the natural, why curse the tree when according to its natural courses the time of the tree to bear fruit is not yet? Couldn't He have just waited for the season to arrive? We are likened to be as branches abiding in the True Vine, Yeshua Messiah who without we will not bear fruit at all. Those who don't bear fruit, the Vinedresser; our Heavenly Father takes away and cast into fire.

What struck me like thunder was that who are we that Yeshua should wait for us? We are the ones who are suppose to wait on Him! When He comes again, it will not be according to our season of bearing fruit, it will be according to His. Yeshua will not wait for us to bear fruit and then He will make His appearance, He comes when He comes and He expects to find fruits worthy of our repentance and faith in Him. If we don't we are subject to the curse of being cast out of His kingdom in that day. For just as the people of Israel could not escape the righteous judgement which came upon them when they murmured and complained, how much more we now when we profess to be for Yeshua and outwardly despise His word?! For those who don't bear fruit the Father takes away. A deeply resonating revelation has been revealed. Praise Yahweh and let us not only hear Him, but to do according to all that has been said.

-Monday, 28th September 2015, Day 21, 0113

Saturday 26 September 2015

Every Beginning

It's been 19 days since Yahweh called me out of the world to come and serve Him in His house. September 7th 2015 was when it began. It is amazing to witness the hand of Yahweh, that same hand that led the children of Israel out of Egypt upon me. Truly Elohim is gracious and merciful towards someone like me; stooped in sin and wallowing in the rubbish of this world. There are millions and billions of people much more capable than me and yet Yeshua; He had decided to give His inheritance to sinners, tax collectors, thieves, murderers, adulterers and the like. That they, including myself who were once dead in trespasses should be made alive once again through Messiah Yeshua by faith.

How awesome it is to serve in the house of Yahweh. The desire of David, to dwell in His house forever being fulfilled by us according to the Word of Elohim. To me, such things like prayer, worship, and such are not tedious but rather pleasurable. They bring joy and a refreshing touch to my wearied soul. After so long in the world, I am at last free from its shackles and yoke of iron. All glory to Yeshua for in Him is my redemption, the coming salvation of spirit, soul, and body.

My term of seeking Yahweh is coming to an end in a week's time. After that, my service begins. The true testing of faith, character and spirit is beginning very soon. Yahweh guides me, in this I will be confident.

-Saturday, 26th September 2015, Day 19, 1847