Wednesday, 11 November 2015

Romans 5:3

What a day so far, huh. It began with me being charged with backup for Ryan for worship during the monthly 3 days Esther fast. To be clear, an Esther fast is a fast which completely abstains from food and water for three full days of 72 hours to be more technical. When Esther, her maids, Mordecai and the children of Israel fasted for three full days without food or water, great change took place not only in their lives and circumstances; that fast changed the history and fate of Israel itself. The enemies that sought to destroy them were destroyed themselves and the instigator Haman was hanged in the same gallows he made for the Jews. So an Esther fast is a nation changer, which is why the people of Semarak Revival Centre and Glory Place, Mantin fast together.

Back to the point, it began with worship. Aunty Philo asked me to play my guitar which to be frank is a feat in itself. The strings are taut to the extreme, it takes huge intakes of finger power to press down even one of the 6 strings to get a clear tune much less a chord or a barre. Thanks to that I could not exactly flow in the Spirit in the beginning. But thanks to Yahweh for sending Pastor Bernard to mop things up. On the keyboard he led us into the Spirit and time just seemed to pass so quickly. You know, when comparing my guitar to others, it feels like pressing butter. That's just how easy it is to play on other people's guitars. Praise Yahweh because he literally trained my fingers for war.

In this first day I have received a word from Yahweh. Romans 5:1-5 which is timely to say. I have been undergoing many trials and tribulations in my personal life and was wavering a bit even dreading the next day's order of difficulties. But truly Yahweh is timely, He shall help His people just at the break of dawn. With this I am sure and prepared now for what is to come be it high water or dry valleys it matters no longer. Tribulations builds perseverance, and perseverance character and character hope. So in all the things I am facing even though I might not see it now, my walk with Elohim through Yeshua is being built up slowly, day by day. Through all trials and tribulations, my perseverance is being built up. The persistence to go through no matter what, to weather the storm rather than the storm withers me. Through perseverance character is built. And as my inner character grows, hope is built. Hope upon the unseen so that what is not seen may become seen and the seen unseen. Hope upon the promise of eternal glory through Messiah Yeshua. Now, I am beginning to understand why Paul says to glory in tribulations. Though weeping may endure for a night, joy cones in the morning. What I have faced will not carry further through the day but only for that particular time. But what I have learnt from that particular time will carry until kingdom come. Praise you Yeshua!

-Wednesday, 11th November 2015, 2 months 4 days, 1724

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