Tuesday, 1 December 2015

Walk the Talk

And so December rolls in together with its humid and moist weather. The monsoon season is here again and what a time it is to stay near the forest. Hallelujah! It's so cool in the evening that I tend to doze off more than I should nowadays. At night the glass on the windowpane actually fogs up, showing just how cold the Hiding Place really is. How wonderful for Yahweh to bless me with such rich habitations.

I look at those beside me and I think to myself: "We can be really hypocritical sometimes." Serving Yahweh here in His house has given me the privilege to truly experience what it means to be built up as living stones into the household of Elohim and I ponder this but we; myself more so happen to be quite the hypocrites and the judgemental people. We tend to look at others' faults rather than look at our own because we find it easier to push the blame and the critics onto others instead of ourselves. We say we serve Elohim, but that is just saying; words through which I have found to be quite unreliable unless evidenced by accompanying actions and reactions. Do our lives reflect Messiah? How can we say we are on Yahweh's side when our lives become a standing witness against us?

Looking at it now what the Word of Elohim speaks is true in the sense: that it is most certainly better to give than to receive. The interpretation of this differs from person to person but in the end, unity and order prevails in the things of Elohim. I find it is easier to give striking remarks than to receive the strikes themselves. Oftentimes as Christians we can serve Elohim all we want but it will profit us nothing in the end if we do not allow Elohim to deal with what is inside of us. After all Yahweh chastises those whom He calls His sons and if we do not receive His chastisement for our own good, we are illegitimate children and have no partaking in the inheritance for the sons of legitimacy. In the end it's a very fine line to walk. The road to eternal life through Yeshua is very, very narrow and very few make it. The fine line between pulling a man out of the fires of hell and igniting him with hellfire of our own tongue's. In other words, the fine line we walk is to discern between what to say when it is right and what not to say when the time has changed. How do I make it clearer? The line of judging someone based upon the Word of Elohim and judging another based on personal feelings or personal vendettas. This is something only Elohim and Elohim alone can resolve. The answer is to be found in Yeshua Messiah; the Word of Elohim. He is living and powerful, sharper than any two edged sword; piercing even to the division of the soul and the Spirit. The things of carnal flesh and the things of the Spirit.

In the end, the Christian walk is just that: a walk. We are not called to work or to do ministry for Him, we are called to run this race He set before us with endurance and to walk in His works which He prepared for us beforehand. Seek first His kingdom and His righteousness made flesh; Yeshua Messiah and everything else shall be taken care of in due time and season. It's a promise so we can claim it.

-Wednesday. 2nd December 2015, 2 months 25 days, 0314

1 comment:

  1. You are right. It is a fine line between hypocrisy and godly devotion. Many have reckon that they are godly devoted but sadly to say it is hypocrisy in disguise. It is only when YAHWEH awaken us up then we can see fine lines in life. As we allows YAHWEH to continue to work on us, there is hope. Otherwise, we are fooling ourselves.
