Wednesday, 27 January 2016

2 Corinthians 10:4

The winds of change are blowing mightily right now. It has always been blowing but this year; 2016 the winds have stirred into a gale of shifting seasons. Times are changing, laws are changing, people are changing but it is so wonderful to know that Yeshua Messiah is the same yesterday, today and forever. Truly privileged we all are, as the people of Yahweh called personally by Him we have the blessedness of seeing His Word coming to pass in our lives. And right now we have the privilege of seeing one of the many works of the devil being smashed and utterly disposed off once and for all. The spirit of Asclepius; Greek god of medicine. The same spirit that has been holding a choke hold over the church of Messiah, its power is at last shattered.

Recent news states that in the next decade or so antibiotics will finally run out of its relevancy in combating bacteria. The bacteria are just adapting to the antibiotics and if doctors were to use more potent ones, it would lead to the demise of many. As such cancer treatments such as radio-therapy and chemo-therapy are coming to its last curtain call and will have no more usage once antibiotics are done away with. Without antibiotics the writer though a secular Christian fears that this could spell the imminent end of humanity. According to him we won't even be able to build up a strong enough natural resistance due to the dependancy of antibiotics to cure us to combat something like the common cold. Doctors will soon be put out of use because no matter how skilled they are, without proper equipment and tools they will be rendered useless. Praise Yahweh!

Now whether the churchgoers like it or not we are returning to divine healing Elohim's way which is the only way. Hallelujah! For surely as we see the fall of medicine and its god at last the church can fulfil its proper role to bring healing to the nations. For those who have all their lives depended on such things it will be arduous times but for the people of Elohim who walk in the light of the life of Yeshua Messiah, we are the most joyous of all. And just as one fall of the principalities of the enemy has been established, all of them will fall. And now we come against the Greek god of music, Pan and the head honcho Zeus, which is none other than satan himself. Surely the gates of Hades shall not prevail against the church built on the rock of Messiah. Hold fast the winds are blowing mightily this year.

-Thursday, 28th January 2016, 4 months 21 days, 0105

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