Sunday, 31 January 2016

January and more

Looking back at January, it has been a wonderful first month of this new year. Already we can all plainly see now the awesome moving of the Holy Spirit in the midst of us. He is doing the work and surely as He begun the good work He shall finish it. What He is doing is calling for a more distinct separation of the people of Elohim. As if we are already set apart enough, the Holy Spirit calls for even more greater separations to be made and if we do not comply He will bring us to the end of ourselves whether we want it or not. Now is the time, the beginning of the end times and Yeshua is nearer than He ever was. His return is imminent and He is only coming for His true church.

Thus, everything is timely. Yahweh makes it beautiful in its own time and surely everything is falling into place like an intricate puzzle set. With this new album from Glory Place Prayer Centre of Malaysia, Mantin just finished and soon to be released I have had the privilege of listening to it firsthand and I must say; the anointing is already so different even from Pastor Jean's opening prayer until her closing prayer. Time is hastening and the Spirit of Yahweh is hastening His work along with it. Every song in this album is anointed with a different anointing each and I can already tell that this is going to be a standout album from the rest.

The heart of Yahweh is made known: He wants a special and peculiar people for Himself. He wants the people He has formed for His good pleasure to declare His praises, to walk in His blessings, to live in the abundant covenant life which He promised to Abraham and his seed. And most assuredly if we are Messiah's then we are Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise. Sons of the Most High, Elohim is in the midst of us. We shall not be moved. How marvellous to see the full counsel of the Word being fulfilled before our very own eyes and the counsel of men brought to nothing. Surely now is the time to make right while it is still yet day. While we still have the light, let us walk in it lest we are overtaken by the darkness. The longsuffering of Yahweh is wisdom for He desires that not one soul should perish but that all should come to the full grace and knowledge of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. Arise to our calling! Arise as sons of Elohim to destroy the works of the devil.

-Sunday, 31st January 2016, 4 months 24 days, 2304

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