Thursday 21 January 2016

Art of Prayer & Intercession

Prayer is a battlefield. I can't go about agreeing to peoples' prayers anymore willy nilly at every moment. I need the discernment of the Holy Spirit and His guidance to traverse this minefield of fleshly prayers and parroting sentences. Just because someone is anointed with many a blessings and gifts from Elohim does not necessarily make all his prayers automatically correct, neither does someone whose walk in Yahweh is taking its baby steps immediately make him a 'novice' prayer warrior. Discernment is key.

There can never be too much prayer. One can never truly say for certain that "I have prayed enough." Prayer is everything for without prayer there is no ministry. To be clear, prayer connects man with Elohim by the Holy Spirit Who makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered according to the will of Elohim should we not know what to pray for as we ought. And as we are joined together as one Spirit with Yahweh we receive from Him everything that is needed. Whether unction, power, grace, etc. all things received is received through the effective fervent prayers of righteous men. Of course, it is not our own righteousness for we cannot come to our awesome and holy Elohim with our own righteousness likened to filthy rags; rather it is the righteousness of Yeshua Messiah that comes upon us that we are able to make effective and fervent prayers. Many Christians, myself included as were all of us tend to lead rather prayerless lives until we were awakened to the truth that without prayer there can be nothing done or said with the full backing of the Godhead. Thus, prayer connects us and one another to Elohim.

One another? Suppose we each come from different backgrounds. Cultures, upbringing, education, ethics, and the like. The thing that connects us is Yeshua and His life is our pattern. He ever lives to make intercession for us and as such our lives are lived made for prayer and intercession. It is also another important factor found in the tabernacle of David which Yahweh is raising up besides praise and worship. It does not matter where we come from, we both can pray and prayer connects the body of Messiah together like joints in the body.

Prayer cannot be taken lightly, because whatsoever two people agree concerning anything touching heaven and earth it shall be done. Anything, that means whether for better or for worse. Agreeing simply is inviting trouble on yourself and others. As such I found the need to keep silent most of the time until the Holy Spirit prompts me to agree, which is not often nowadays. Besides that the Holy Spirit also gave me an interesting trivia: Pastor Jean rarely agrees with anyone's prayers as well. Huh. Just because we use smooth words does not mean it will go down smoothly. Sometimes a few words trumps a thousand. Although the topic of prayer is important as well, it is as the Spirit leads in the end so there can be no restrictions put on Him. Parroting one another will get us nowhere unless it is by the Spirit, when that happens it is a confirmation rather than a repetition.

Prayer is a large topic and I am barely skimming the top of this vast sea. Thus far has the Holy Spirit put in my mind to write and until then.

-Friday, 22nd January 2016, 4 months 15 days, 0328

1 comment:

  1. Honesty to ourselves is very important. Sometimes we tend to paint a negative picture of ourselves to justify Elohim, but Elohim does not need our justification rather we His.

    For instance, "Suppose I come from a background one might call horrendous or trying in a sense, living in a slum and what not whereas you might be living the high life, silver spoon stuck in your mouth." where is the truth?

    Do not make yourself a martyr or having a martyr illusion. Do not indulge in these delusion, for we must have truth in us always
