Wednesday, 20 January 2016


It feels like time is speeding up immensely nowadays. Day after day flies by so quickly and work doesn't feel like work now. Whether it is something time consuming or something strenuous everything is becoming like a pleasure unto me to perform because I am beginning to see the Benefactor behind the people issuing me the work. When one sees Yeshua everything seems so trivial and insignificant. The days are speeding by and by, hours become minutes and minutes what more. I found the deep pleasure to do the work of Yahweh, to walk in His works which He has prepared for me. And as speedily as the days are going, I see the need now to fully immerse myself in the presence of Elohim. Finding time to do what I want is being weighed against the time needed to fully connect with Yahweh in the Spirit. And the time for Yahweh is outweighing my own needs now.

Time is hastening. The works of the Holy Spirit in His people are coming to its full dispensation in the body of Messiah. It no longer becomes an obligation but the time together with Elohim must become a necessity and a deep desire; indispensable. Just recently Pastor Jean led us into a time of repentance from the spirit of worldliness and worldly music; soulish worship. As we repented individually and corporately, we renounced, rejected and crushed the works of the devil in this matter and now we are free, and free indeed. This time is that time. The right timing of Yahweh in all His works. And now it is high time to fully immerse myself in the Word and presence of Elohim daily. Whether through work or through worship or through alone time, what was once monotonous and tedious becomes fresh because times of refreshing comes in the presence of Yahweh.

Now is the time to truly forsake everything of the world for only he who does the will of Elohim abides forever. And in this 21 days fast I truly thank Yahweh for the thorough cleansing in me and in my friends and family. The winds of change are blowing mightily. A revival draws near...

-Thursday, 21st January 2015, 4 months 14 days, 0037

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