Friday, 15 January 2016

Psalm 84:4

What is there to consider? I find my stay here in Glory Place Mantin to be quite the meaningful experience. To me, staying here in Yahweh's house is more of an auspicious holiday than it is a working experience. Everyday I find myself enjoying the little and large things that comes with the blessing of serving Yahweh. It is wonderful to truly experience the life outside of the world's standards and precepts. To not be burdened with any such yoke save the light and easy yoke of our Lord Yeshua Messiah really is wonderful. All in all I have found myself to be enjoying each day here in this house of the great King of kings. Everyday has become a pleasure despite the physical demand of each day because everyday as I exhaust the strength of not mine own but from Elohim I also have been given the wee early hours of almost each morning to replenish said strength. To just be saturated in the awesome presence of Yahweh is like just standing underneath a warm shower on a cold evening. Absolutely marvellous really.

I am really thankful that Yahweh has called me into His service in His house of prayer for all nations. It truly is a different world here. Even the very atmosphere here is so tranquil and serene. Though GP's tenants vary from young to old, whether physically or spiritually we are all one family; one body of the Lord Yeshua Messiah. Everyday is like a holy holiday here and every journey, every step taken is not taxing but rather invigorating. I am excited because though I may seemingly be doing the same thing day in and day out, with the Holy Spirit working in and through me He makes everyday different. The most monotonous of things become like a first time again because times of refreshing comes in the presence of Yahweh.

How magnificent that Yahweh has chosen me to come serve Him. How wonderful that I am free of the world because Yeshua has taken all my chains away and have cleansed me by His Word. How awesome to know that Yahweh El Shaddai is living in me and is working a deep, perfect work in me. And that the full dispensation of that work will soon come full circle. Hallelujah! What a joy to continuously be in the house of Yahweh. As the psalmist says: "Blessed are they that dwell in thy house: they will be still praising thee."

-Saturday, 16th January 2016, 4 months 9 days, 0526

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