Monday 8 February 2016

2 Peter 3:14

I'll make this brief. I won't be writing much until this seminar is officially over. Day 3 is finished and how time flies. Soon enough the last day will be upon us.

I was wrong to come here expecting nothing in particular. I praise Yahweh that through the encouragement of a brother I have once again set my sights on the things Yahweh shall do through His Spirit in this season. And just as we are being prepared to be a Bride for Yeshua's return, we are being sanctified by His Word as though through water. Holiness unto Yahweh, we cannot be holy by ourselves and when we are made holy by Yeshua Messiah it is only unto Him and as He who called us is holy we also be holy in all our conduct.

I was mistaken to come here expecting nothing less than the complete sanctification individually and corporately as the body of Messiah. Henceforth I look forward to the blessed hope and promise that through the Word I shall become as living stones fitted together into the glorious body of the Church of the Firstborn. Praise Yahweh for His works are plainly seen now acting and reacting in my life actively.

-Tuesday, 9th February 2016, 5 months 2 days, 0000.

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