Friday 29 April 2016

April and more - Choppy waters

Well, we've come to the end of yet another month and the dawn of another. April has surely been choppy waters but now it is calm seas once again. Praise Yahweh for His divine ordinance and dealings. I could wish for no better (now that the shaking is over and done with). And as with the dealings of Yahweh comes blessing in disguise. Once it was over, looking back it is most definitely a blessing in disguise.

I am a man who enjoys good food; especially supper ever since I came here to Mantin. But in this shaking my supper was taken from me and thinned down and yet looking back it appears that whether there was any supper or not didn't really matter in the end. I didn't even realise that I went out so few times in the night now that I tally together. This month of April has sure been a month of fleshly splurging to say the least. Everything skyrocketed leaving my wallet in tears. But now it's a new month, what has been done is done and now a new start in Messiah Yeshua is here. I understand now when the Word of Elohim says that all things work together for good to them that love Him; the called according to His purpose. It really is so.

Summary: A great shaking occurred in April. In the end, I came out freed from the bondages coiling about me. I went in wound up and came out loose and free. Amen! Praise the Lord Yeshua!

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