Sunday 1 May 2016


It is now May and things are rolling fast and rolling high. The kick starter to this month is the upcoming Yeshua Heals, Miracle Healing Service conducted in Park Lane, Kelana Jaya next week in the 8th. Thus, we begin the month of new expectations from Yahweh by once again delving into His fast and immersing ourselves in the act of crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires through fasting food and water. What a way to begin. I am eagerly expecting marvelous things from Yahweh in this month and those to come.

It is good that He has taken down this road for surely all the steps of man; though he may plan are in the end as it should be: directed by the Spirit of Elohim. He does not let me see the entirety of it for all secret things belong to Him but He shows me more than enough to pique my interest and desire to continue trekking along the road. I am being taught the necessity of the constant immersion of myself into His Word. If we go trekking in the jungle especially at night without a lamp then you are asking for it. And the Word is likened to a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our paths. Without it when night comes what will one such as myself do? While it is still day, it is time to find the torch that brings us along in the night seasons.

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