Thursday, 26 May 2016

All Malaysian Golden Gate Revival Convocation [AMGGRC] - Day 1

First day of the convocation is over and wow! Was it the hyped up event it turned out to be. People both familiar and new appeared during the convocation and the highlight of it all was the opening worship. 24 harpists of the Glory Place South East Asia - Eastern Gate mirroring the 24 elders around the throne of Elohim in heaven, crowns, golden bowls full of incense and all. It was a marvelous time of praise and worship to the Most High Yahweh Elohim. It was not a performance mind you, but a heartfelt worship. The anointing was there, His Presence; which makes all the difference was there as well. Magnificent, simply awesome.

A few of our friends had taken videos of the event and I was shown one such video and it was astounding and humbling to see. Aunty Rachel of GP Mantin recorded the worship of us on her phone and it took an amazing recording to say the least. Even though the dancers were all dressed in white as well as us, only we were clothed with the glory. By that I mean that in the video despite all of us in front were dressed in white, only we were blazing bright like pure light. The white light just covered our entire being, shadowing our faces and we were just figures of pure, dazzling light. It was simply awesome to see that and so humbling to know Yahweh has chosen us as His own special people. His glory covered and clothed us and it was no longer we but the very hosts of heaven came down to worship. We need not try to bring the people up into the heavens, we are already there and we have the privilege to bring down the Presence of Yahweh to the people. Hallelujah!

The speakers, meh. I won't talk so much about them. May the next day I pray be even more spectacular but most of all may You be there with us, Lord Yeshua.

-Friday, 27 May 2016, 8 months 20 days, 0026

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