Friday 27 May 2016

All Malaysian Golden Gate Revival Convocation - Day Two

With this blog post, a long day is finally winding down. Praise Yahweh for that, He has sustained us throughout with a little nap here a little snack there and most of all with the presence of Elohim. This has been an honour to truly worship Yahweh in the heavens and to bring the nations together to come and worship the King of kings and Lord of lords, Yeshua Messiah. My part has been fulfilled and now I move onward to other matters that Yahweh will soon bring me in to. I give thanks to You, Lord Yeshua for truly being merciful and gracious unto someone like me. Whom You have given the great honour to worship with Your harp, before nations. The ball is rolling and now a brand new season of the Lord is here.

This season is one entirely of the Person of the Holy Spirit. It is His work now and we have no part to play in it other than being vessels willing and submissive through whom He is able to fulfill the will of Elohim through. Our part is to rest and He does the work; both to will and to do for the Father's good pleasure. Even just today I am reminded that inasmuch as Yeshua has blessed me with, I must return to the Foundation on Whom He is building me on: Himself.

I am called now to be absolutely carefree. No need to worry about my needs or wants, or even tomorrow. Yeshua has promised that He will provide so long as we come to Him and enter His rest. Even during the Friday overnight in CRC as I poured out my heart to Elohim I can sense the walls around me are dissipating. It's an open field of harvest. Now I am beginning to understand that the first Person above all else I am answerable to is to the Lord Yeshua Messiah. He died for me to redeem me unto Elohim through Himself by His blood shed for me on the cross. As His servant I am made blameless before others because so long as I hold my peace my Master will advocate and vindicate for me. A servant, though he may be scrutinised by some in the end is only accountable to his master. More so we as the servants of the Most High. What more now that through Yeshua we are no longer a slave but a son?!

Thus, it comes time to put pen to paper to field work. Saying is one thing but doing it requires the Divine Intervention from Yahweh to successfully see even the simplest of things through. Holy Spirit, takeover...

-Saturday, 28th May 2016, 8 months 21 days, 0504

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