Friday, 6 May 2016

From Goshen to Zion

Well now! How interesting it is to just flow in the Spirit, you can never really tell how the Sovereign Spirit of Elohim will lead us. During the Friday house church, a certain sister shared about the land of Goshen, the children of Israel and Egypt. That despite of all the plagues happening Goshen remained untouched by Yahweh and that now we have the same privilege to experience the same degree of separation. The only downside is what the Spirit gave me to understand a bit later on.

Goshen though it is blessed indeed is because of the sakes of the chosen people of Elohim residing in it. I believe that if the children of Israel were to live anywhere else in Egypt, Goshen would be experiencing some abnormal weather: ten times the abnormality to be exact. Goshen is still in Egypt, Yahweh did not desire that they should remain in Goshen but to completely come out of it and enter His promised land. With this I see that no matter how we may delude ourselves into thinking, our Goshens are still in Egypt. We need a complete and total separation from the world.

The ten plagues have such a characteristic. The first nine were all natural disasters caused by a supernatural Hand. Hailstorm, locusts, boils, frogs etc. are all natural disasters only revamped to a massive scale by none other than Yahweh. But the 10th plague is the most fearsome. Yahweh Himself comes down to strike all of Egypt, Goshen included. If Goshen was separated as it were then there would be no need to put the blood of the sacrificial lamb on the door posts. Goshen is still in Egypt and Yahweh Himself came to strike all of Egypt. I also believe that the first place Yahweh descended upon would be where the children of Israel dwelt. After all judgement must begin at the house of Elohim.

The words are flowing. Only that I don't know how I should phrase it. Goshen is not a safe refuge, it is simply Elohim's grace and mercy upon us who are still in the world mingling. That doesn't mean that we should stretch the extent of His covering upon us; rather we should take heed of His own words to come out from the world and be ye separated. For without holiness no one can see Elohim and how can we be holy unless we are separated from that which is unholy. It's like placing your drink on the edge of the table; you never know just how fast it will take for your drink to drop and be smashed. Likewise us, why do we want to walk a tightrope act, mingling and soon to be defiled by world when Yahweh has brought us out to a broad place on which we can plant our feet upon the Rock, Yeshua Messiah?

Goshen is not the end, it is His mercy towards us to give us time to come out. If not we will soon find the destroyer knocking on our doors as well since we still choose to side with the world by remaining in it. Goshen was spared from the natural disasters, it was not spared from the judgement visit from Yahweh Elohim. Not as a Benevolent Father but as a Righteous Judge of all. The place of refuge is in Proverbs 18:10: "The name of יהוה is a strong tower: the righteous runneth into it, and is safe." Yeshua Messiah is the door and how does one enter a tower except by the door?!

I wasn't looking for this particular revelation but that doesn't mean that I won't receive it. All good and perfect gifts come from the Father of lights above in Whom there is no variation nor shadow of turning. I thank you for this revelation, Lord Yeshua that it pleased You to reveal more of Yourself through Your Word unto someone like me. Also to the sister in the slightest, slimmest chance Yahweh directs here to this here blog: Sorry about that. I'll probably apologise in person, it's much better than over some text like this.

Wow, 8 months already?! Praise Yeshua!

-Saturday, 7th May 2016, 8 months, 0545

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