Tuesday 10 May 2016

Proverbs 10:22

It's my off day today. The weather is magnificent; raining cats and dogs, a cold breeze is gushing outside and as I write this I am resting in an ice box of a room: the Hiding Place. I can already tell that tonight will be a marvelous rest and the best thing is I don't have any work due tomorrow. Praise Yahweh! Hallelujah! Even now as I write the night sky outside is flashing with soft, rolling thunder. Truly a spectacular sight to behold. I am blessed.

What's more to say or what's more to note? I am greatly blessed and the secret to it is not as complex as many people think it is. It is simply because of the Beloved. Yeshua Messiah in me, the hope of glory. In the end though I may have the knowledge down pat I am only now coming to terms with what I mean when I say: it is not who we are but who Messiah is. And He never fails, He will never leave us nor forsake us. He will cleanse and sanctify us Himself because by ourselves can no man be presented unto Yahweh. We are marred by a fallen nature and as such we are unable to cleanse ourselves spiritually but He came in sinful flesh condemned sin in the flesh so that through Yeshua we have the atonement, the healing, the sanctification, the justification, and everything else pertaining to true life and wisdom.

I may have issues, in fact there is not one person I know that does not harbour an issue that he or she is trying to resolve. However I have learnt in the past few days that we cannot resolve the simplest of issues in our lives without the Messiah taking over and resolving it in Himself in our stead.

So from, "Am I without sin before Elohim?"" to, "Have I been washed in the cleansing blood of the Messiah yet?" From, "Am I well pleasing unto Yahweh?" to, "Am I accepted in the Beloved?" There is nothing needed from us anymore besides to believe and receive all that He has and wants to give us through His Word because the cross is the culmination of the work of Elohim in the world. It is finished and needs no adding therewith. Now, I am crystal clear that as long as I continue to keep walking despite my stumbling, my falling down; with Messiah Yeshua, in Messiah Yeshua then in due time He will resolve all the issues in my life. If I even for a moment leave His presence then I know full well that I will perish and perish quickly I shall. Besides,
The blessing of יהוה, it maketh rich, and he addeth no sorrow with it. (Proverbs 10:22)

-Wednesday, 11th May 2016, 8 months 4 days, 0330

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