Sunday, 12 June 2016

Young People's Camp, June

It's been a while. As I write this the Young People's Camp: The Heavenly Life has just concluded a day ago and we are still winding down from it. Praise be to Elohim for all His wondrous benefits towards His people. I have been immensely blessed by this experience and truly I can see that nothing is going to remain the same hereafter 

Firstly, the Young People's Camp ran its course of one week with us waking up early in the morning and concluding with us sleeping always after 1am the earliest. Time just seemed to flow and progress by so fast that inasmuch as it had just begun it was already over. Truly, our Yahweh is timeless and in His presence is eternity. What seemed like such a quick worship was in fact hours in and the days flew from morning to suddenly evening. This is of course just evidencing that truly our Messiah is returning soon and He hastens His work in righteousness. As we see the mighty working of the Holy Spirit working in us we catch a glimpse of eternity together with Elohim.

The group devotions were uplifting and encouraging. It was a blessed time for me to indeed share the Word of Elohim with my friends of many nations and to indeed build one another up in the Messiah Yeshua. We joked, we shared, we enjoyed the presence of Yahweh and truly that is what contentment is all about; no need for all the big things or exuberant materials. Once we have His presence with us He gives us rest and peace in Yeshua through the Spirit.

Testimonies were plentiful as many if not all of us caught the art of true worship that is pleasing unto the Father: in spirit and in truth. For me I have had the privilege of just being refreshed and re-energised altogether in His presence. I found the Word of Elohim becoming so vibrant and wonderful that I can keep on reading and absorbing it like a sponge at many occasions. I too experienced the presence of Yahweh in an altogether different way. On the 4th night or so there was just such a flowing presence; not like how I normally experience it. It was calm, peaceful like a river.

[Isaiah 66:12a] For thus saith יהוה, Behold, I will extend peace to her like a river, and the glory of the Gentiles like a flowing stream.

It just kept falling upon me for the entire session whether I raised my hand to receive it or no, it just kept on coming. I was thoroughly amazed and truly humbled that Yahweh not only blessed me with such a presence of His but altogether confirmed it with two others experiencing the same thing I did. I was also reminded that the most important thing is not the presence though it is important to soak in Yahweh, but the life of His Son Yeshua. Anyone can receive His presence but few have the Life for that presence to take deep root into.

This was truly a marvelous time and it was all of Yeshua Messiah, not by night now by power; but by His Spirit. I found the anointing became even more stronger and present when the worship leaders themselves could not sing the way they normally would. It just shows so clearly that Yeshua alone shall be exalted and when He is lifted high He will draw the nations to Himself and praise Elohim He has!

What I take from this is simple, He desires separation from the world and unto Himself. In this camp He has shown me that I am still lacking in many areas, issues that need to be addressed. However He also showed me that by my trying it will only make the matter worse than for the better. Instead Yeshua has given me the answer to this:

[Matthew 11:28] Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

So indeed here I am o Lord. Take over completely.

-Sunday, 12th June 2016, 9 months 5 days, 2238

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