Wednesday, 13 July 2016

1 Timothy 1:18

Haven't been blogging for a while because I'm been in some intensive warfare for the past few days. Runny nose and coughing has been my degree of warfare for the past 5 days now. And I thank Elohim for every moment of it because I stand on victorious ground and the battle is Yahweh's. Though sometimes just standing is as much as a battle as the battle itself. No matter hot or cold, stuffy or cooling the coughs just keep coming. Truly an oppressive spirit indeed however He who lives in me is greater than he who is in the world.

I will keep this short but simplistically sweet. I have won this skirmish of the enemy, they just don't know it yet. But my Messiah is above all, and in Him I too am above all else. The seminar was for me an awakening to the reality of spiritual warfare and so now I am waging a good one. For He who called me into this is faithful to see me through the end; even till kingdom come.

-Thursday, 14th July 2016, 10 months 7 days, 0031

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