Friday 15 July 2016


Even as we're on our way to Glory Place Petaling Jaya for the weekly Friday Overnight Prayer Meeting I write to truly bring to my own remembrance of how good Yahweh is towards someone like me. Though I have many errors and faults that have yet to be ironed out and though my feet stumble at the most simplistic of temptations and trials for all this time He has raised me up and made me sit together with Him in the heavenly places in Messiah. I can truly understand the writing of Paul when he says he takes pleasure in his own infirmities.

[2Co 12:10] Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for the Messiah's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

Truly once again He has brought me into a new season and this time this particular season holds a promise for me. That as I indeed spend more time with Yeshua Messiah, with the Word of Elohim I will indeed grow to love Him and others even more than right now. That these corporate gatherings of the body of Messiah may no longer be of compulsion but one borne into necessity and want in me. That I may come to love the time spent with Him whether on the field or in the church.

In all my failings I can now see not my faults but my constant need to cling and hope in Him who never fails. That as I rest my hope upon Him I am sure that no matter what may come it shall indeed be turned into a blessing for me. Praise Yahweh!

And so as we once again enter into yet another season of the Lord we look forward all the more eagerly for that Day when indeed He will transform our bodies into that of His by the same power that subdues entire principalities and powers under the Messiah. Our hope rests in the One who never fails us and has given us the complete and utter triumph over all our enemies; seen or unseen, through His death on the cross and the resurrection life of Yeshua Messiah.

-Friday, 15th July 2016, 10 months 8 days, 1835

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