Tuesday 5 July 2016

Once Again

Worship in the Heavenlies is here! And how exciting it is to once again come as the corporate body of Messiah from different nations, tribes, tongues, peoples, and languages. To see old brothers and sisters in Messiah and to make new companions as well. This seminar truly is quite exciting.

We are hereby beginning. I may not blog much after this but perhaps after the seminar is over then I'll just give a quick recap of the marvellous workings of the Holy Spirit that He shall soon wrought in this seminar.

This seminar will be quite something I reckon because now we are progressing further and further into the revelation of Yeshua Messiah and hastening His imminent return. Not that we had not progressed much but with the inception of the harp everything just escalated at such a brisk pace. Now it truly is the pure workings of the Holy Spirit and by no means will we be able to keep up with it unless for the Spirit of Yahweh within us enabling us to. This is just the bare beginnings. Soon enough everything will just spiral upwards out of our control and into the hands of Elohim. And we are privileged to be a part of it. Praise Yeshua.

-Wednesday, 6th July 2016, 9 months 29 days, 0104

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