Friday 1 July 2016

June and more - Good Warfare

Well, here we are once again: at the end of one month and the beginning of another. June was quite the warring month. Constant warfare just kept piling up on me but praise Yahweh that He has not given me over as prey to my enemies' teeth. He saw me through it and now I am here in this fresh new month of July. What's past is past but now what lies ahead is much more exciting.

We kick start this July with the upcoming seminar: "Worship in the Heavenlies" beginning from next Wednesday to Sunday. 5 full days of heavenly worship with the harp, the instrument of Elohim.

Besides this, things are starting to build up. I can already foresee that something big is coming my way whether for betterment or no surely all things work together for good to them that love Elohim. What is required of me now is to not lose focus of the Goal which is the perfection in Yeshua Messiah; His fullness. To continue to endure, to remain silent so as to allow the Holy Spirit to speak, and to continue standing when all is said and done.

This year is passing by like a breeze. Soon enough it'll be 2017 but for now I think I will enjoy what Yahweh has in store for me this latter half of 2016 inasmuch as I have enjoyed the former half. Praise Yahweh my Elohim!

-Saturday, 2nd July 2016, 9 months 25 days, 0433

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