Friday 29 July 2016


Looks like I have been misled by the nose for a long time now. Having been deceived it really took a berating to finally see the error in my ways. I have repented for my rebellious nature and crude disobedience to both Yahweh and my family. Change begins with none other than myself first and now it is high time that I finally did that. Enough lazing about, I can rest when I'm in heaven but for now I believe that it is this moment that I must completely overcome and subdue this fleshly life of mine that keeps surfacing.

I really thank Yahweh first and foremost that He really gave me a good one through my parents and I thank Yahweh that He has made me a son of a godly father and mother. Others may, I may not. It's really time to live out this life of Messiah that I keep claiming to have and yet my surroundings beg to differ. It's time to stop what I have been doing and start doing the will of Elohim and that will encompasses things I have been neglecting. If I am to progress further I must, absolutely must breakthrough in this. I cannot wait a moment longer. It must begin now...

-Saturday, 30th July 2016, 10 months 23 days, 0512

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